food over history

  • 8000 BCE

    people begin to grow food

    People begin to grow food. Women plant seeds of wild grasses on cleared land. Their tools were digging sticks.
  • 6000 BCE

    grain and flour and bread

    Lake dwellers crush grain and cereals to make flour and then bread.
  • 5000 BCE


    Rice is grown in China
  • 4000 BCE

    lemons, bananas, limes and oranges

    Lemons, bananas, limes and oranges originated in Kashmir, India. Wine is made from grapes.
  • 3000 BCE

    cucumbers, honey and pancakes

    The Sumerians, (in what is now Iraq) who invented the first writing, eat figs, wild cucumbers, honey and pancakes made with flour and onions. Potatoes are harvested in the Andes Mountains in South America
  • 2600 BCE

    dry fish and chicken

    The Egyptians sun-dry fish and chicken.
  • 2475 BCE


    Olive trees are grown on the island of Crete. (Greece)
  • 2000 BCE


    Watermelons are grown in Africa.
  • 1600 BCE


    Apricots are grown in China
  • 1500 BCE

    all main foods are being grown everywhere

    From 1500 B.C onwards. all the main food plants that we eat today are being grown by people somewhere in the world.
  • 1000 BCE


    The Chinese cut ice and use it to keep food fresh
  • 1000 BCE


    The Chinese cut ice and use it to keep food fresh
  • 950 BCE


    Peanuts are grown and eaten in South America.
  • 551 BCE


    Peaches are grown in China.
  • 400 BCE


    The Egyptians and the Turks grow and eat cauliflowers.
  • 350 BCE


    A Greek author writes a collection of recipes. It may be the first ever 'cookbook.'
  • 325 BCE


    Alexander the Great brings bananas to Greece from India. He also brings back the citron (like a lemon) to Greece.
  • 200 BCE

    dried seaweed

    The Japanese make salt from dried seaweed and use it to preserve foods. They also make soy sauce.
  • 54 BCE


    The Britons are making cheese.
  • 700

    green beans and sweet corn

    Green beans and sweet corn are grown in the Americas. Popcorn was also used by the people of Central America.
  • 850


    Coffee is discovered by an Arab goat herd in Ethiopia.
  • 1148


    Knights returning from the Crusades in the Middle East, bring sugar to Europe and England.
  • 1280


    In some parts of China there are restaurants where waiters serve food.
  • 1400


    Shops in Italy make and sell pasta. Men knead the dough with their bare feet.
  • 1492

    sweet potatoes, capsicums and pineapples

    Christopher Columbus brings to Europe sweet potatoes, capsicums and pineapples from the Americas.
  • 1492

    sweet potatoes, capsicums and pineapples

    Christopher Columbus brings to Europe sweet potatoes, capsicums and pineapples from the Americas.
  • 1492


    People in England make and eat meat pies.
  • 1527

    tomatoes and avocados

    Tomatoes and avocados are taken to Spain from the Americas by explorers.
  • 1528

    baked beans

    Beans used for baked beans and bean stews come from North America to Italy and France. First Nation Americans are thought to have cooked the beans with fat and maple syrup.
  • 1540

    potatoes and France

    Potatoes from South America arrive in Europe. The French grow the plant but don't eat the potatoes.
  • strawberries

    Strawberries were found growing in North America and seeds taken back to Europe by explorers.
  • chocolate

    The first shop in London to sell chocolate opens. People drink the chocolate.
  • asparagus

    Asparagus sold in England is called 'sparrowgrass'.
  • cantaloupe

    The cantaloupe (rockmelon) was first grown in Italy, in the region of Cantelupe.
  • sandwich

    The fourth Earl of Sandwich, John Montague, asked his servants to bring him some beef between two slices of bread. This was the first sandwich.
  • glass jars

    A Frenchman, Nicholas Appert, was awarded a prize by the Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte for inventing a way of keeping food fresh for some time inside glass jars
  • chocolate bar

    The first chocolate bar is made by JS Fry and Sons.
  • tin cans

    Tin cans were first used to store food. The inventor was Englishman, Peter Durand
  • canned baked beans

    The first canned baked beans are made.
  • hamburger

    The hamburger sandwich is invented. A 15- year-old American, Charles Nagreen, put fried beef between slices of bread and sold it, calling it a hamburger.
  • corn flakes

    The world's first corn flakes are made and sold by the Kellogg Brothers
  • coca cola

    Coca Cola is bottled for the first time
  • hot dogs

    The word 'hot dog' was first used in America to describe a frankfurt served in a bread roll. Frankfurts originated in Germany and Switzerland.
  • tea bag

    Tea bags are invented.
  • mcdonald's

    The first McDonald's hamburger stand opens at a drive-in cinema in the United States.