Nutrition facts

Food Labelling

By car4986
  • food Labelling

    food Labelling
    President Lincoln launches the Department of Agriculture and the ­Bureau of Chemistry, the predecessor of the Food and Drug Administration.
  • Food Labelling

    Food Labelling
    The original Food and Drugs Act is passed. It prohibits interstate commerce in misbranded and adulterated foods, drinks and drugs.
  • Food Labelling

    Food Labelling
    Oleomargarine Act requires prominent labeling of colored oleomargarine, to distinguish it from butter. (Yes, swindlers tried to sell folks cheap margarine in the guise of butter.)
  • Food Labelling

    Food Labelling
    The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) publish the 1980 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. The guidelines are to be updated every 5 years. In 1980 there were 7 simple guidelines. In 2005 there were 41 recommendations in a 71-page booklet!
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    The History of Food Labelling Legislation in the U.S.

  • Food Labelling

    Food Labelling
    American Heart Association initiates a food certification program including AHA's Heart-Check symbol to appear on certain foods. Criteria are simple-low in saturated fat and cholesterol, for healthy people over age 2. And a certification payment to AHA by the food manufacturer.
  • Food Labelling

    Food Labelling
    Hannaford Supermarkets launches Guiding Stars, intended to help customers choose healthy foods. Foods are ranked 0 to 3 stars, with three stars awarded to most nutritious foods. Only 20% of the supermarkets' stocked items are starred, but sales of these items increase by several percentage points.
  • Food Labelling

    Food Labelling
    Walmart launches its "Great for You" seal of approval. The standards are the most stringent to be seen from the food industry so far.