Food development

  • Food in the 1920's

    Food in the 1920's
    1. Americans started eating fewer starches 2.The American diet was mainly Meat and Potatoes
    2. During this time canned foods were becoming more common and accepted
  • Food in the 1940's

    Food in the 1940's
    1. A Revolution occurred in farming which increased productivity and the amount of food being produces
    2. Fast Food restaurants start appearing with the popularization of White Castle Due to WW2 Canned foods became a lot more prevalent with the introduction of rationing food.
  • Food in the 1960's

    Food in the 1960's
    1. Food Stamps were introduced which allowed lower class citizens to purchase things at the grocery store
    2. More soft drinks were being introduced including Pepsi and Tab
    3. Widespread disease due to nutritional deficiencies caused Americans to buy and eat a lot more food
  • Food in the 1970's

    Food in the 1970's
    1. "Homemade" foods such as Hamburger Helper and Betty Crocker became more popular
    2. Red dye was banned which caused foods like red M&M's to go off the market
    3. "Lite" products became more prevalent such as Miller Lite.
  • Food in the 2000's

    Food in the 2000's
    1. Buzzwords like "Low-fat" "fat-free" and "diet" became more popular
    2. Gluten free products became much more popular
    3. Due to the recession a lot of citizens started cooking meals at home rather than eating out