Bush foods
Aborigines were hunter-gatherers -
First fleet
First fleet brought animals, plants, seeds, grain, flour, salted, meat, sugar, alochol. -
Convict rations were flour, salted meat and sugar and worker's rations were 10 lb, 10 lb meat, 2 lb sugar, 1/4 lb tea and salt - Aborigines were influenced by this poor diet. -
Alcohol was plentiful - mainly beer and rum -
Wine production
the start of wine production -
Local farm produce, wheat, potatoes, fruit, vegetables, butter and cheese, exported to British isles. -
The market gardens were established. -
Improve transport
The transports had a massive improvement. -
canned food
Meat canned for local market and exported to British isles, -
over stocked
Oversupply of meat and wheat - large amounts exported to British isles. -
Factory food
More and more factory processed foods were made -
Many changes
Media campaigns, more factories, convenience foods, milk and citrus fruit receive much publicity. -
New refrigeration
Refrigeration improves, plenty of fresh food available. -
New foods
Migrant influence more pronounced, more fast foods. -
improve food industry
More travel, more eating out, food industry dominated by multinational corporations.