Food Systems

  • 1920s

    During the 1920s, World War 1 was occurring so America was prospering. America families also had a sweet tooth at this time so desserts like jello, cakes, and treats like pineapple upside down cake were popular! Prohibition was also in effect during this time, so sugary foods were probably a popular alternative vice.
  • 1930s

    In the 30s, America suffered the Great Depression. Because of this many families relied on food stamps or easy to make meals based on the resources available. Many casseroles or known traditional American meals were created at this point like pigs in a blanket!
  • 1970

    The 1970s were a time of economic struggle and cultural change in the US. A new wave hit the US of easy microwave and pre-made meals. Things like sloppy joe's, spagetti-o's, and "TV Dinners" became much more popular in the American home.
  • 2000s

    Technology made a large advancement in the 200s as well as advertising. This influenced American meals greatly. Foods like Lunchables, Trix yogurt, and Scooby Doo fruit snacks were all very popular because the were foods advertised on TV. American eating habits became more individual to a person or family at this time.
  • 202s

    In more recent times, fad food trendy have become much more popular with the advancement of social media. Things like the "paleo" or "keto diet", or trends like avocado toast and cloud bread have influenced the way Americans consume food products. Because of the pandemic, food became a thing many people enjoyed to do and to others it became a chore.