Food History

  • 1900s

    Due to inflation a lot of food products like sugar and flour were a lot less expensive during this time. A lot of widely known products like chewing gum and Hershey's chocolate we're just now being created during this time. As well as this a lot of food and even top brands were being exported to outside countries.
  • 1920s

    As the war began food beame more scarce and much in need. Things like starches, sugars, fats, and meats were in high demand and hard to produce fast enough for the soldiers and people at home. This sparks some of the the movements of learning how to ration food and make it last longer.
  • 1950

    During this time period, the War was very prominent so overall the production of food was focused mostly on convenience. They would make the food more accessible to soldiers that were actively fighting as well as easier to mass produce. Things like Ziploc bags, tuperware, and larger freezers where used to make the food last longer
  • 1970s

    During htis time began the movement of healthier and more organic food began. In 1973, the California Certified Organic Farmers program was created. People started to promote push back on heavily packaged foods.
  • 1990s

    During this time the first genetically modified food product was made. They were able to make a tomato with a much longer shelf life and this new method of conserving foods became a widespread idea. Along with this came the worry of how genetically modified food affected people.
  • 2020s

    Now people are searching for more fresh farm to table style foods with similar conveniences. There are a lot of food delivery services that are able to deliver fresh foods that a lot of people use. As well as this there are a lot of businesses promoting themselves as healthier and non-GMO companies that people also like to go to.