Royal proclamation 1763.
In the Royal Proclamation of 1763, King George lll says that Indigenous nations own their lands. The proclamation recognized first nations rights to lands and established the principle of making treaties with First Nations through a peaceful negotiation. This recognized First Nations as independent peoples. First Nations then had the right the lands they occupied. Thought the F.N's had their rights to land, the government never acknowledged their titles unil for future years to come. -
Metis negotiate entry.
The Metis establish a provincial government and negotiate the entry of Manitoba into Canadian confederation, under the Manitoba act. The act stated that Metis lands will be protected but all other lands are property of the dominion of Canada. With hopes to decrease tension between the Canadian government and the Metis peoples. -
Canadian governments promises of land 1885.
The government of Canada's promises to the Metis were not quite fulfilled. The Metis leader Louis Riel joined the northwest resistance in northern Saskatchewan. The Metis wanted to fight for their land rights and titles of their people. The rebellion was seen as a threat to the Canadian government, to overthrow the governments authority. This then impacted the relationship between the Canadian government and the Metis people. -
Pass system is repealed.
The pass system is repealed, and First Nations are allowed to leave their reserves without first obtaining permission from an Indian agent. First Nation perspective of this was now they were more free. Canadian governments perspective to reestablish the contact with the First Nations people. This would lead to their freedom, and being able to leave without first obtaining permission. -
Abolishment of the white paper
The Canadian government abolished the Indian Act by introducing the white paper removing the legal status of "Indian." The forefront of aboriginal resistance to the white paper was Indian chiefs of Alberta. White paper was abandoned in 1970 and culture was still intact and maintained. First Nations wanted to keep their culture alive. Canadian government viewed the dismantle of the legal relationship of them and First Nations. Abolishing the Indian Act, changing future years for the better.