Flour Baby Project

By allykat
  • Period: to

    Physical Development Milestones

  • 2 months old!

    -Holds head up when on tummy camera
    -Moves both arms and both legs
    -Opens hands briefly
  • 4 months

    -Holds head steady without support when you are holding him
    -Holds a toy when you put it in his hand
    -Uses his arm to swing at toys
    -Brings hands to mouth
    -Pushes up onto elbows/forearms when on tummy
  • 6 months

    -Rolls from tummy to back
    -Pushes up with straight arms when on tummy
    -Leans on hands to support herself when sitting
  • 9 months

    -Gets to a sitting position by herself
    -Moves things from one hand to her other hand
    -Uses fingers to “rake” food towards himself
    -Sits without support
  • 1 year!

    -Pulls up to standcamera
    -Walks, holding on to furniture
    -Drinks from a cup without a lid, as you hold it
    -Picks things up between thumb and pointer finger, like small bits of food
  • 15 months

    -Takes a few steps on his own
    -Uses fingers to feed herself some food
  • 18 months

    -Walks without holding on to anyone or anything
    -Drinks from a cup without a lid and may spill -sometimes
    -Feeds himself with his fingers
    -Tries to use a spoon
    -Climbs on and off a couch or chair without help
  • 2 years

    -Kicks a ball
    -Walks (not climbs) up a few stairs with or without help
    -Eats with a spoon
  • 30 months

    -Uses hands to twist things, like turning doorknobs or unscrewing lids
    -Takes some clothes off by himself, like loose pants or an open jacket
    -Jumps off the ground with both feet
    -Turns book pages, one at a time, when you read to her
  • 3 years

    -Strings items together, like large beads or macaroni
    -Puts on some clothes by himself, like loose pants or a jacket
    -Uses a fork
  • 4 years

    -Catches a large ball most of the time
    -Serves herself food or pours water, with adult supervision
    -Unbuttons some buttons
    -Holds crayon or pencil between fingers and thumb (not a fist)
  • 5 years

    -Buttons some buttons
    -Hops on one foot
  • 6 years

    -Are developing their first molars.
    -Are starting to lose baby teeth.
  • 7 years

    -can perform more difficult movements such as twisting, turning or spinning while standing in one place.
    -can combine motor skills such as running and kicking a ball, or performing dances to music.
  • 8-10 years

    -Increase in body strength and hand dexterity through physical activities
    -Improved coordination and reaction time
    -Increase in large-muscle coordination, leading to success in organized sports and games
    -Increase in small-muscle coordination, allowing them to learn complex craft skills
    -Refinement of finger control