Baby Valentino was born -
Infancy (2 months old)
Valentino lifts his head briefly, tracks objects, and makes jerky arm movements -
Infancy (4 months old)
Valentino holds his head up, rolls from his tummy to back, and reaches for objects -
Infancy (6 months old)
Valentino sits without support and transfers objects between hands -
Infancy (9 months old)
Valentino crawls, pulls up to stand, and his pincer grasp develops -
Infancy (12 months/1 year old)
Valentino stands alone, takes first steps and claps hands -
Toddlerhood (18 months old)
Valentino walks independently, stacks two blocks, and scribbles with a crayon -
Toddlerhood (2 years old)
Valentino runs stiffly, climbs furniture, and uses a spoon with some control -
Toddlerhood (3 years old)
Valentino jumps with both feet, walks up and down stairs, and throws a ball -
Preschool (4 years old)
Valentino hops on one foot, pedals a tricycle, and catches a ball -
Preschool (5 years old)
Valentino skips, climbs playground equipment, and throws a ball overhand -
Early Childhood (6 years old)
Valentino rides a bike with training wheels, ties shoelaces, and cuts and pastes neatly -
Early Childhood (7 years old)
Valentino writes letters and numbers, jumps rope, and plays organized sports -
Middle Childhood (8 years old)
Valentino rides a two-wheeled bike, throws and catches accurately, and increases muscle coordination -
Middle Childhood (9 years old)
Valentino improves hand-eye coordination, writes in cursive, participates in complex physical activities -
Middle Childhood (10 years old)
Valentino runs faster, refines motor skills for sports, and improves dexterity for musical instruments or crafts