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Florence Nightingale by Oli Casper and Lucia

  • Florence Nightingale was borned

    Florence Nightingale was borned at the
  • Period: to

    Florence Nightingale

    Florence Ngihtingale
  • They called Florence about her work

    Whilst in the gardens of her family home in Embley, Hampshire, Florence heard the voice of God calling her to do his work, but at this time had no idea what the work would be
  • Florence Ngithingale returns form different countries

    Florence returns from her trip to Italy, Egypt, Greece and Germany where she visited Pastor Theodore Fliedner’s hospital and school for deaconesses at Kaiserswerth near Dusseldorf.
  • Florence Nightingale goes to work

    Florence goes to Kaierswerth for three months nursing training which then enabled her to take up post as Superintendent of the Establishment for Gentlewomen during illnesses at number one Harley Street in 1853.
  • Florence Nightingale returns form her work

    Florence returns to Kaiserswerth for three months nursing training which then enabled her to take up post as Superintendent of the Establishment for Gentlewomen during illnesses at number one Harley Street in 1853.
  • Florence recruited to oversee.

    Florence recruited to oversee the introduction of female nurses into the military hospitals in Turkey.
  • Florence arrives in Scutari

    Florence arrives in Scutari – a suburb on the Asian side of Constantinople – with 38 nurses. Initially the doctors did not want their help but within ten days fresh casualties arrived from the Battle of Inkermann and the nurses were fully stretched.Florence also wrote home on behalf of the soldiers and acted as banker – sending the men’s wages home to their families. She also introduced reading rooms in the hospital.