Army Corps Aware of Snowfall
Info from The Argus Leader Website In January of 2011, the Army Corps of Engineers were aware that snowfall in the Rocky Mountains was above average and that flooding in the spring and summer was likely. Photo courtesy www.fema.gov -
Flooding Begins
FEMA website The Missouri River begins flooding on this date, beginning an ordeal that will last through the summer. Info from: http://www.fema.gov/emergency/reports/2011/nat051111.shtm -
SD declared Disaster Area
FEMA declared the flooding in five South Dakota counties to be a Major Disaster. Info from www.fema.gov -
Water Release Increased
Water Release at the Oahe Dam in Pierre, S.D. increases to 85,000 cubic feet per second to handle increased water flow. Info from: http://sd.gov/Governor/docs/MissouriFlows.pdf
Photo from: http://disasterrecovery.sd.gov/flood_pics.aspx -
Evacuation Ordered
Gov. Dennis Daugaard asks citizens in the Pierre and Fort Pierre area living in areas threatened by flooding to leave by 8 p.m. on June 1, 2011. While the order was not mandatory, officials would go door-to-door, informing people of the coming danger. Info from http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/06/01/us-usa-flooding-plains-idUSTRE7506GT20110601
Photo from: http://disasterrecovery.sd.gov/flood_pics.aspx -
Dakota Dunes evacuated
Gov. Dennis Daugaard urges Dakota Dunes, S.D. residents to evacuate their homes by 11:59 p.m. on June 3, 2011. Info from: http://www.kmeg14.com/story/14834181/breaking-news-dakota-dunes-evacuation?clienttype=generic&mobilecgbypass Photo from: http://disasterrecovery.sd.gov/flood_pics.aspx -
Water Release Increases Again
Water release from the Oahe Dam increases again from 85,000 cubic feet per second to 90,000 cubic feet per second to handle the increased amount of water in the river. Info from: http://sd.gov/Governor/docs/MissouriFlows.pdf -
Corps Decide to Release More Water
The Army Corps of Engineers chooses to increase water release from the Oahe Dam to 95,000 cubic feet per second. Info from: http://sd.gov/Governor/docs/MissouriFlows.pdf -
Water Release Reaches 100,000 CFS
Water release from the Oahe Dam is increased to 100,000 cubic feet per second by the Army Corps of Engineers. Info from: http://sd.gov/Governor/docs/MissouriFlows.pdf -
Water Release Hits Peak
Click here to view more photos of flooding
Water being released from the Oahe Dam in Pierre and Fort Pierre reaches 150,000 cubic feet per second, almost double the amount that was being released just a week before. Info from http://www.kansascity.com/2011/06/13/2948490/as-two-levees-break-upstream-kansas.html
Photo from: http://disasterrecovery.sd.gov/flood_pics.aspx -
Fort Pierre Residents Return Home
People living in the Fort Pierre area are allowed to return to their homes. Info from: http://www.keloland.com/news/news/flooding/NewsDetail10645.cfm?Id=118691 -
Missouri River Governors Meet
Info from SD Public Broadcasting about the flooding On August 19, 2011, the governors of Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming met in Omaha, Neb. to discuss necessary improvements in flood control of the Missouri River Info from http://news.sd.gov/newsitem.aspx?id=11202 -
Dakota Dunes Residents Return Home
Dakota Dunes, S.D. residents return to their homes after being displaced for three months as a result of the Missouri River flooding. Info from http://www.keloland.com/news/news/flooding/NewsDetail10645.cfm?Id=120854