flollow city tests
The city tests are using the preflusing techique to find lead levels of nearly 400 ppb. MDEQ blames the high level on the homes interlnal plumbing. -
Very high lead levels
Flints water use has gone from about 13 milloiom to 19 million gallons per day over the last year, a spike thats concided with hundreds of water main breaks. -
A press Release
A cash strapped flint was a public health emergency that was declared afgter tests were showed for the water supply. -
Water from Detroit
A multi million dollar plan reconnected flint to detroits water. They approved $9.4 million plus $ 6 million to switch it's drinking water back to detroit. -
National Guard Troops
Synder was declared a state emeergency, 2,200 blood tests were elevated lead in thier blood, which caused them mental and physical development problems.