
By brreezy
  • hot air balloons

    hot air balloons
    1. the first tethered manned hot air balloon flight was performed by jean francols and francois laurent on nov. 1st 1738 in paris, france.
    2. the first hot air balloon flown in the americans was launched from the walnut street jail in philly on jan. 9th, 1793
    3. hot air balloons is the first successful human-carrying flight technology.
    4. a hot air balloon is lighter than air aircraft consisting of a bag called the envelope that is capable of containing heated air
  • planes

    1. the wright brothers invented and flew " the first sustained and controlled heavier-than-air powered flight"
    2. the first widely successful commercial plane, was in commercial service for more than 50 years, from 1958-2013
  • spaceships

    1. NASA's founding document, the national aeronautics and space act of 1958, specifically charged the new agency with 8 objectives, including the establishment of long-range studies of the potential benefits to be gained.
    2. very few systematic studies of the societal impact of space exploration have been undertaken over the past 50 years.
  • advantages ( planes )

    advantages ( planes )
    1. better seating options: the worse the seat option are and the fuller the flight, the better chance passengers have to get a seat upfront.
    2. cultural exchange: since far travel only takes a matter of hours by jet, its feasible and practical a young person to pursue college in the states.
    3. jobs: the air travel creates employment for millions of mechanics, pilots, stewards, customer service representatives, and designers.
  • disadvantages ( planes )

    disadvantages ( planes )
    1. high cost: air transport is a costly service. its operational costs are too high.
    2. more risks: air transport is prone to accidents. a small mistake can be very dangerous for passengers
    3. huge investments: for creating aviation facilities, huge investments are required.
  • advantages ( spaceships )

    advantages ( spaceships )
    1. no hidden costs: at spaceship we have a no hidden sot policy. so when you travel in a one of our spaceships, you wont get any nasty surprise.
    2. space mates: space mates are local contact points around Australia for advice discounts. this is a unique service to spaceships travelers.
    3. 24-hour roadside service: spaceships are regularly maintained and serviced
  • disadvantages ( spaceships )

    disadvantages ( spaceships )
    1. costs: the overall costs of human spaceflight versus robotic missions is a significant factor in the decision to continue missions.
    2. frame: human crews are required to train for months to years in other to pilot spacecrafts.
    3. health risks: when astronauts fly into space, they can experience a number of illnesses including collapse of bones and muscle issues decompression sickness and radiation. poisoning
  • advantages ( hot air balloons )

    advantages ( hot air balloons )
    1. branding: people will see the hot air balloon and your company band will become etch in their minds.
    2. high ability: a hot air balloon or thermal airship can be seen much farther than any billboard competition: your company name isnt getting lost in a sea of other names and numbers in the yellow pages and not need to worry where your company name will fall in a google sreach engine your are the only name in the sky grabbing everyones attention.
  • disadvantages ( hot air balloons )

    disadvantages ( hot air balloons )
    1. hot air balloons have no forward propulsion or steering mechanism.
    2. travel in any given directions, the pilot most find an altitude. 3.the pilot has control over the vertical travel of the aircraft.