Flight timeline

By micahr3
  • 549

    First Kites

    First Kites
    Kites were invented by chinese philosophers Mozi and Lu Ban in 5th Century BC. By about 1000 years later, kites were being flown.
  • 1488

    Leonardo Da Vinci

    Leonardo Da Vinci
    He wanted the potential flight of a winged animal, so he created a flying machine he called the ornithopter.
  • Joseph and Etienne Mongolfier

    Joseph and Etienne Mongolfier
    Joseph and Etienne were brothers who invented the first hot air balloon. Its first flight went up 3000 feet in the air, and didn't land for 25 minutes.
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    Sir George Cayley

    George Cayley was an engineer who did experiments on flight. In 1804, he flew his first successful glider. In 1853, he flew his first manned glider with his coachman on it.
  • Otto Lilienthal

    Otto Lilienthal
    Otto Lilienthal was the first person to make repeated, successful flights with unpowered airplanes. Sadly he lost control of his glider, and he fell to his death on August 9th, 1896.
  • The 1st motor powered airplane

    The 1st motor powered airplane
    Inspired by Otto Lilienthal, the Wright brothers created the first self-powered airplane. This plane took test flights in 1904
  • Paul Cornu

    Paul Cornu
    Paul Cornu was a french engineer who built the first manned helicopter, which he flew it briefly November 13th, 1907.
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    Curtis Flying Boat

    Built by Curtiss Aeroplane and Motor Company, this aircraft has been used by the US navy from 1918 to the early 1920s.
  • Charles Lindbergh

    Charles Lindbergh
    On May 21st, 1927, he landed the first solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean. He was only 25 years old when he completed it.
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    Amelia Earhart

    In June 28th, 1928, Amelia was the first woman to fly as a passenger across the Atlantic. In 1935, she flew solo across the Atlantic. On June 1st, 1937, she disappeared trying to make a world flight.
  • First Pilot to Break Sound Barrier

    First Pilot to Break Sound Barrier
    The first pilot to break the sound barrier was Chuck Yeager. Breaking the sound barrier is passing the speed of light.
  • Gossamer Albatross

    Gossamer Albatross
    Albatross was a man powered plane built by MacCready and his team of engineers. It was flown across the English channel by Bryan Allen.
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    NASA Aerovironment Pathfinder

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    Dick Rutan/Jeana Yeager

    Dick and Jeana were the first to make a non-stop, non-refueled flight around the world.
  • NASA Space Station

    NASA Space Station
    The first model of the space station, Zarya, was launched into orbit.