Flag of our fathers

Flag Of Our Fathers

  • July 10, 1923 James Bradley when to the Navy.

    July 10, 1923 James Bradley when to the Navy.
  • November 6, 1924 Harlon Block went to the U.S. Marine

    November 6, 1924 Harlon Block went to the U.S. Marine
  • July 16, 1943 Rene Gagnon was transeffered to the Marine Gaurd Company at Charleston, South Carolina.

    July 16, 1943 Rene Gagnon was transeffered to the Marine Gaurd Company at Charleston, South Carolina.
  • January 5,1944 Frankin Sousley went to Marines

    January 5,1944 Frankin Sousley went to Marines
  • February 19, 1945, the Marines arrive at Iwo Jima.

    February 19, 1945, the Marines arrive at Iwo Jima.
  • February 23, 1945 The Flag was raised in Iwo Jima.

    February 23, 1945 The Flag was raised in Iwo Jima.