Be happy

Five-Year Long-Range Plan

  • Facility Improvements

    Facility Improvements
    Our library is tiny (1300 square feet) compared to Texas State standards for size requirements. We are working on plans for a new builiding and one structure that will be redesigned is the library. Our school has grown from 500 children to well over 1500 in the past year, yet our facility remains the same. Obviously, this is problematic and needs to be addressed as quickly as possible. According to Texas standards, our library should be 8000 square feet.
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    Facility Rennovation/New Building

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    Materials - ongoing throughout the years

  • Facility Improvements

    Facility Improvements
    Windows and lighting are a major objective for our library. We have predominantly sunny days here and we want to capitalize on that brightness indoors. We will install as many windows as possible into our new library when it is built.
  • Facility

    Building being built - slow process and growing pains...
  • Materials

    We will weed through the collection - this will be done every 5 years. We will evaluate the collection to make sure everything has an average age of less than 10 years and time-sensitive material has an age of less than 5 years.
  • Personnel

    Becuase of our increased numbers, we will need to hire a 3rd certified librarian. Right now we have 2 librarians and several parent volunteers.. We have 1500 students and according to Texas State standards, we shold employ at least 3 certified librarians and 3 paraprofessionals.The hiring would take place the year after the upgraded facilities.
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    Personnel - HIring Additions

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    Equipment/Technology Improvements

  • Equipment

    Our students are 21st century thinkers and are tech-savvy, therefore we need to have at least 30 desktop computers in a lab-like setting, 30 laptops ready for use, and 60-100 iPad or mini iPads available for use.
  • Equipment

    Having numerous TV screens mounted throughout the school and library will enable students to see what's happening in the school. Purchasing Go-Pro video cameras, encouraging the students to wear them, create videos, and then share the videos on the screens throughout the school will show school spirit.
  • Materials

    We will order a balanced and current collection of at least 12,000 books, audiovisual software, and multimedia for our students. We will use booktalks and book trailers to encourage students to check out all genres of books.
  • Materials

    Stay current with all online databases and subscribe to best ones.