Five technologies

  • Ipod Nano

    Ipod Nano
    The iPod Nano was created in early September of 2005. The manufacturer of the product was Apple which was created by Steve Jobs and Tony Fadell. The iPod Nano was one of the first devices to hold 1,000 songs in your pocket and was easily portable
  • Xbox 260

    Xbox 260
    Xbox was created in 2005's November. The creator and manufacturer were Microsoft. The Xbox was revolutionary because it allowed console players to be able to play with other people around the world and with friends online.
  • Wii

    The Wii was released in 2006 and was manufactured by the company Nintendo and created by Shigeru Miyamoto. The Wii brought a new way of entertainment to video games for Nintendo and introduced motion controls on consoles
  • iPhone

    iPhone was created in January of 2007. It was manufactured by Apple and Created by steve jobs. This was a revolutionary invention since it was the first ever hand help device to have a touch screen.
  • DSi

    The Nintendo DSi was made on the first of September in 2008. The Creator of The DSi was Masato Kuwahara and the manufacturer was Nintendo. The DSi was different from any console because it had a camera on the console and allowed for others with the console to play multiplayer games