Chapter 5 timeline - Isabella & Beatriz

  • Benjamin Franklin created the concept of the conventional current

    He developed this concept via experiments were he was able to collect "positive" and "negative" charges which became the common naming or conventional current flow untilit was discovered that protons don't move.
  • Benjamin Franklin discovered electricity

    Flying a kite, Franklin perceive the lightning rays and decided to realize an experiment: he would get his kite, tie it up to a key and notice how it transmitted to the key.
  • Charles Augustin de Coulomb creates and publishes the Coulomb law for the first time

    The Coulomb Law was published by Charles de Coulomb, and he claimed that the force between two charged particles, regarded as point charges Q1 and Q2 a distance d apart, is proportional to the product of the charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. This law was essencial for the advances in the eletricity studies in physics. The formula for the law is: Fe=(kq1q2)r²
  • Hans Christian Oersted discovers the eletromagnetic field

    By putting a compass on top of a wire that transported a current, when he noticed that there was a change on the compass' pointers.
  • George Simon Ohm creates 1st and 2nd Ohm's Laws

    1st law is that the potential difference applied between its two point is equal to 1 volt
    2nd law is R=pL/A
  • Michael Faraday creates the concept of an electric field

    The concept of electric field was created by Michael Faraday. Electric field, as being a property that describes the space surrounding electrically charged particles, and this electric field exerts a force on other electrically charged objects.
  • Hans Christian Oersted comes up with the final concept of an electric field

    He helps the development of the final verion of the electric field, the version we know and study nowadays.
  • George Kirchhoff announced the Kirchhoff's Laws for the first time

    Gustav Kirchhoff created two circuit laws: The 1st law states that the sum of a current into a junction is equal to the sum of the current away from the junction.
    The 2nd one states that in a complete circuit loop, the sum of the potencial differences in the loop is equal to zero.
  • Period: to

    Gustav Kirschoff contributes for the development of the concept of an electric circuit - current wars

  • Period: to

    John Ambrose Fleming creates the left and right hand rules.

    The left hand rule is used to discover the direction of a magnetic force.
    The right hand rule is used to discover the direction of a magnetic force on a moving charge.
  • JJ Thomson discovers the electron and discovers the real current

    He discovered that current flowed from the negative pole of a power supply to the positive pole. Thus, discovered that the conventional current was the wrong way around.
  • Kilby and Noice are credited for the discovery of the first ever working electric circuit.