The first telescope
Made by Galileo -
The first heliometer
Measures the diameter of the sun and the distance between stars
Made by John Dollond -
The first daguerreotype(picture)image of the moon
Taken by John Draper -
The first powered flight
Launched by Orville Wright -
The first jet engine
Made by Frank J Whittle -
First pictures of the far side of the moon taken
Taken by Luna III -
First American to orbit the earth
Made by John Glenn -
The first women in space
She was Velentina Tereshklova -
The first space walk
Made by Alexei Leonov -
First man on the moon
He was Neil Armstrong followed by Buzz Aldrin -
First craft to successfully land on Mars
This was Viking I -
First reusable spacecraft
Created by USA (NASA) -
First american astronauts that died
Happened because of NASA -
First photograph of the whole solar system
Taken by USA (NASA) -
First polar orbit around the Sun
Made by USA (NASA) and ESA -
First manmade probe to land on a comet
Made by ESA