Beginning of the First World War
The right of women
The woman, until the Great War, had been relegated, almost exclusively, to domestic tasks. It can be said that it was in the First World War, when women see their role in society recognized, reaching a milestone in the long journey of the revindication of women's rights, especially the right to vote. -
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The right of women
Murder in Sarajevo
Ferdinand was heir to the Austrian throne. One day he decided to drive through the city when Serbian nationalist Gavrilo Princip stepped from the crowd and shot the Archduke and his wife Sophie. Princip was a member of the Black Hand, an organization promoting Serbian nationalism. On July 28 1914 Austria- Hungary declared what was expected to be a short war against Serbia. Other countries joined them and caused the beginning of the great war. -
First battle of the Marne
It was a battle of the First World War that took place between September 5 and 12, 1914. The result was an Allied victory over the German army.1 The battle was the peak of the German advance in France and the persecution to which it subjected to the allied armies after the battles of the borders of August and that arrived until the outskirts of Paris. -
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First battle of the Marne
Battle of Verdun
It was fought from February 21 to December 18,1916,was the largest and longest battle of the First World War on the western front between the German and French armies.The battle took place in the hills north of Verdun-sur-Meuse,in north-eastern France.The 5th German Army attacked the defenses of the Fortified Region of Verdun and those of the Second French Army to capture the Meuse Heights,an excellent defensive position with good observation of the artillery fire on Verdun. -
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Battle of Verdun
U.S joins the war
The U.S goes to war in 1917 and some of the causes of this are that the Kaiser of Germany said they would be sinking all ships in British waters hostile or neutral and before the US declared war,Wilson said that he would wait for "actual over act". Another reason for American going to war was because of the Zimmerman note a telegram from Germany to Mexico that intercepted by British agents witch said that if US join the war that Germany would help Mexico fight and help them gain lost land. -
2º battle of the Marne
The second Battle of the Marne or Battle of Reims was the last major German offensive on the Western Front during the First World War.The attack failed when an Allied counterattack led by the French forces Americans,equipped with several hundred tanks,dismantled the German right flank, causing serious casualties.The German defeat marked the beginning of the implacable Allied advance,which concluded in the armistice signed with the German Empire a hundred days later. -
First World War Ends
WW1 brought death and disease to many people and then all of a sudden after 4 years of destruction, the war finally ends. America thought and hoped that this was the war to end all wars. The winning nations gathered together in Versailles (outside of Paris) to discuss the terms of peace, Wilson traveled all the way to Europe to ensure it. -
Treaty of Versailles
It is the peace treaty signed on June 28, 1919 between the Allied Countries and Germany in the Hall of Mirrors of the Palace of Versailles that officially ended the First World War.