The first fight took place at sea near the West coast of Korea. -
Battle of Asan/ Phung Tao
Two Chinese warships that were travelling West came into contact with three Japanese cruiser ships. This battle lead to the Japanese making one Chinese boat to flee, sinking a troopship that appeared after the battle was over, destroying a modern Japanese gunboat and capture a late arriving Chinese gunboat. Around the same time, the Japanese divided troops and ships and one of them travelled South to attack a Chinese base in Asan. -
The two armies met and collided in Songhwan. The battle ended as a Japanese victory but majority of the Chinese fled and was successful at meeting the main Chinese army in Pyongyang. -
War was declared on the 1s of August, 1894 leading both sides to send troops to Korea. As the Chinese weren't willing to have another maritime clash, they sent troops via the Yalu River and Northern ports. The Japanese landed in the far Eastern side of the country and also along the neck of the peninsula. -
Period: to
First Sino-JapaneseWar
The First Sino-Japanese War was a war that involved China and Japan. It lasted between 1894 and 1895 and it showed the development of Japan as major world power. -
Naval Battle of the Yalu River
As the Japanese moved further up the Korean border, the Chinese ship decided to send reinforcements to the Yalu River. The Japanese intercepted the Chinese resulting in the battle. The Chinese lost five of their half of their ten ships in their main line of battle. The survivors fled to Port Arthur and the to Wei-Hei-Wei but once again the Japanese had gained control over the seas. -
land battle of Yalu
The Chinese set up many ports along the Yalu river but the Jpanese passed them without being caught. The Japanese attacked the Chinese barriers from the enemies side of the river and on the morning of the 25th of December, the Chinese were yet again forced to retreat. -
First land batte
The first land battle was at Pyongyang on the 16th of December, 1894. It is estimated that the Chinese troops included a total of 14,000 soldiers and the Japanese army had anywhere between 10,000 and 20,000 men fighting. The Chinese were disadvantaged from a shortage of unity amongst their army forming 4 separate armies. The Japanese defeated all 4 armies killing 7,000 Chinese troopers. The Japanese then advanced North to the Yalu river where the next Chinese troops were waiting. -
Shantung Campaign
In mid January, the Japanese opened up a front in Shantung Province. Their target was to attack the base of where the survivors of the maritime attack had fled. The Japanese waited outside of the port and then captured the forts by the 2nd of February. The Japanese planned two other remaining attacks on the fleet and sank 2 battleships. On the 12th of February, Admiral -
Falling of Niuzhuang and Liaoyang
Early in 1895, the Chinese went on to attack the Japanese, launching a fierce attack on them at Hai-ch'eng. This attack failed and the Japanese secured yet another victory. The cities of Niuzhuang and Liaoyang fell by 4 March and the fighting in Manchuria was effectively over. -
End of the War
The Chinese government was set to seek peace and on the 17th of April, 1895, the sides signed the Treaty of Shimonoseki. In this treaty the Japanese gained the Pescadores, Formosa, port Arthur and the Liaong Peninsula.