Alien and Sedition Acts
John Adams put an act in place that said that any alien that the government found dangerous would be deported. They also have to live in The US for 14 years until they are citizens. There were unrelated riots so the president put an act into place that stated that if you criticize the government you get put in jail. Image Source http://www.ushistory.org/us/19e.asp -
George Washington said that we won't get involved in any wars. The future presidents didnt listen to him.
Image Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/ea/George_Washington_dollar.jpg/220px-George_Washington_dollar.jpg -
War With Tripoli
Thomas Jefferson refused to pay Tripoli to protect the US from pirates so they declared war on us. The war lasted 4 years over seas and caused The US to increase its navy.
Image Source https://www.britannica.com/event/Tripolitan-War -
Louisiana Purchase
Thomas Jefferson made a million dollar land purchase from France
that was the land south of the Mississippi River Image Source https://media1.britannica.com/eb-media/92/2192-004-7A826C8B.jpg -
War Of 1812
We sided with the French so Britain took our boats so we went to war with them. The war lasted 2 years and ended when the British burned down the white house. Then a peace treaty was signed. This caused us to be more independent and move the capital. Image source http://www.history.army.mil/html/bookshelves/resmat/wo1812.html -
Monroe Doctrine
James Monroe made a policiy that said that if europe messes with any developing countries they will go to war.
Image Source: http://apushcanvas.pbworks.com/f/1351596732/Monroe%20Doctrine.JPG -
Tariff of Abombinations
John Quincy Adams set a tariff do that trading would cost more and foreign goods cost more money. The south was mad because that caused them to pay a lot more money to import and export goods. Image Source https://infogr.am/john-quincy-adams -
Trail Of Tears
Andrew Jackson created the Indian removal act which forced many Native Americans off their land and they had to walk thousands of miles.
Image source http://cdn.adcouncil.org/var/ezflow_site/storage/images/adcouncil/our-campaigns/the-classics/pollution-keep-america-beautiful-iron-eyes-cody/14524-8-eng-US/Pollution-Keep-America-Beautiful-Iron-Eyes-Cody.jpg