Telescope observations

First Observation (127 A.D.) made first observation

  • 127

    Made first observation

    Made first observation
    Ptolemy made his first observation.
    Ptolemy was studying stars for his first observation.
  • 127

    Compleated world map

    Compleated world map
    Completed world map which Columbus used.
  • 127

    Developed Geometrical Evidence

    Developed Geometrical Evidence
    Developed geometircal evidence explaning how sun, moon, and stars worked.
  • Apr 24, 1491

    Attend Krakrow University

    Attend Krakrow University
    Attend Krakrow universitey and grauted with three degees/ZB
  • May 24, 1496

    Attend Bolonga

    Attend Bolonga
    He studied law at bolonga for two years /ZB
  • Oct 5, 1514

    Discovered the Heliocentric theory

    Discovered the Heliocentric theory
    He discovered and spread the heliocentric theory to his freinds./ZB
  • Aug 21, 1560

    Studied Astronomy on Eclipse

    Studied Astronomy on Eclipse
    He started studying Astronomy on the Solar Eclipse of August 21st , and was helped by some of the professors at Copenhagen Universities.
  • Jan 22, 1572


    Tycho published a track about a new star called S.N that he had discovered in Cassiopeia.
  • Jan 23, 1576

    Built Observatory

    Built Observatory
    Tycho had built and Obseruatory called Uraniborg Huen in 1576 for his astronomy work and discoveries. T.W
  • Education

    Kepler studied phillosiphy at the University of Tubigen.When he got is education and wanted to be a scientist./SA
  • Galileo"s theory of motion

    Galileo"s theory of motion
    Galileo works on the theory of motion and velocity,mass,motion, and speed. He gets new ideas for his book "Diolago" which comes out in 1633.
  • How he got his Data

    How he got his Data
    He stole Tychos data. When Tycho died Kepler took his work and made it his own it was pholosphy data./SA
  • Law of planetary motion

    Law of planetary motion
    Tycho's astronimical data helped Kepler make the law of Planetary motion.
    1). The orbit of every plan is an eclipse with the sun at one of the two foci.
    2). A line joining a planet and the sun sweeps out equal areas during equal intervals of time.
    3) The square of the orbital period of a planet is directly
    porportional to cube of the simi major axis of it's orbit.
  • Galileo's theory of acceleration

    Galileo's theory of acceleration
    Galileo discovers a new theory which is named "Theory of Uniform Acceleration".
  • Telescope discoveries

    Telescope discoveries
    He made many discoveries with the telescope, including moons, nova stars, other planets, and that the sun and planets don't orbit around the earth the planets and earth orbit around the sun. With his telescope he made more discoveries about space.
  • Wobbly Moon

    Wobbly Moon
    Galileo makes the discovery, monthes before This was his last observation and his mohe goes completly blind, that the moon makes a monthly wobble on its axis. This is the most important observation, this affected what the popet hinks about the solar system, just before he goes completly blind. This was his most famous discovery.
  • his invention

    his invention
    Kepler invented and improved the version of the Refracting Telescope.Refracting Telescope was used in spy glasses it also makes an image that shows the eye a close up image./SA
  • Invention

    Isaac Newton inventes the reflecting telescope. The reflecting telescope has cuved mirror that reflect light that forms an image .Newton built his telescope to prove his theory that white light is built by a spectum of colors./BH
  • Completes Calculation on Gravity

    Completes Calculation on Gravity
    Newton completes his calculation's on gravity and shares them with Halley, who urges him to publish.Newton's calculation's helped him state that a point of mass and another point of mass is attracted by a force/BH
  • Publication of Opticks

    Publication of Opticks
    Isaac Newton publishes the book of Opticks. The book of Opticks talks about the reflections, colors, and refractions.He presentes this to the Royal Academy Of London./BH