First New Deal

By 9658263
  • Public Works Administration

    -To encourage national industrial recovery, to foster fair competition, and to provide for the construction of certain useful public works, and for other purposes
  • Emergency Banking Relief Act

    -Passed in an attempt to stabilize the banking system.
  • Federal Emergency Relief Administration

    -Allotted a startup fund of $500 million to help the needy and unemployed
  • Agricultural Adjustment Act

    -Designed to boost agricultural prices by reducing surpluses.
  • National Industrial Recovery Act

    -Passed to authorize the President to regulate industry for fair wages and prices that would stimulate economic recovery.
  • Civil Works Administration

    -The CWA was designed to put jobless Americans back to work and to use them on beneficial public projects
  • National Housing Act

    -Passed to encourage improvement in housing standards and conditions, to provide a system of mutual mortgage insurance, and for other purposes
  • Works Progress Administration

    -Employed mostly unskilled men to carry out public works infrastructure.
  • Social Security Act

    -A fund supported by taxes to help pay for old-age pensions
  • Fair Labor Standards Act

    -established minimum wage, overtime pay eligibility, recordkeeping, and child labor standards affecting full-time and part-time workers in the private sector and in federal, state, and local governments.