Period: Jan 1, 1492 to Jan 1, 1493
First Contact (Columbus sailed to the Ameicas)
- Contact with Euorpeans exposed First Nations to unfamiliar diseases.
- Europeans begin to establish colonies in North America.
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Fur Trade Established
- Europeans began to hunt in North America due to near extinction of beavers in Europe.
- First Nations given access to advanced European goods. through trade.
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Seigneurial System Put in Place
- Due to being overlooked, the Haudenosaunee struck out against the farms in 1644-1664, causing deaths on boths sides.
- Seigneurs take First Nations land and resources, leaving less resources.
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Monopoly Granted to Hudson's Bay Company
- Metis fur traders refused to the right to trade furs independantly.
- Increased contact between Cree and Europeans through trade of furs which were then sold to HBC at a low cost.
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7 Years War
- Set out land specifically for First Nations use.
- Prohibited the purchase of these reserves from First Nations.
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Thomas Douglas Established Colony in Manitoba
- As a result of not taking into account the Metis, rebellions occured between Metis and the Red River Colony.
- The people living in this colony were farmers and took over much of the Metis land, making the Metis put into a place of inferiority and sharing resources with the many people living in the colony.
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Indian Act
- Enforced governmental control on lives of First Nation communities.
- Defined who was allowed to claim benefits as a "Status Indian"
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Numbered Treaties Formed
- Forced First Nations onto reserves in turn for "surrendering" their land to the British.
- Strengthened European control over First Nations people.
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First Residential Schools Established
- Children to give up heritage and weakened bonds between children and families.
- First Nation children endured abuse within residential schools and assimilated to European culture.
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Residential Schools Begin to be Abolished
- First Nations began to reaffirm culture.
- An aspect of freedom of First Nations achieved