industrial revolution

By Latasa
  • Period: to

    First industrial revolution

    In the mid-18th century, some European regions, as Britain, began to move from artesanal to industrial production.
    Factories were built next to rivers so they could use the energy of running water.
    The change from artesanal to industrial production affected workers' lives.
    The Industrial Revolution promoted capitalism as an economic system based on generating maximum profits.
    -Country: Britain
    -Main energy sources: coal
    -Main industrial activity: textile
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    Second industrial revolution

    In Great Britain, France, Japan and usa the capitalist system was already established and industrial production diversified. New inventions and machines helped increase the speed of industrialisation. Some European countries and other countries adopted this method.
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    Third industrial revolution

    Nowadays, industries need advanced technology and to be able to use information and knowledge properly.
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    Third industrial revolution: Technology for industry

    Modern industry is characterised by the automation of production processes, in which information technology and robotics are essential. Now there is intense competition between companies.
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    Third industrial revolution: Post Fordism

    Modern industrial production has lost the rigidity and standardisation of Fordism. Post Fordism is more flexible:
    -Contracts:Workers no longer work for years in the same factory
    -Production methods: The process of developing a single product is divided between many factories
    -The items produced: mass production