
First Impressions, the Allure of Graphics

By zhayes2
  • Introduction Part I

    Graphics are, debatably, the single most important avenue through which a player will experience a video game; after all, it is right in the name - video games. The visual aspect is often the first component of a video game that a potential player will experience and often can make or break on whether or not a game is considered worthwhile. Why would a person play a game that makes their head hurt after ten minutes of looking at it whether or not it has a good story or a smooth control scheme?
  • Introduction Part II, Evolution of the First Impression

    Much like all other aspects of video games, technological improvements have paved the way for the quality of graphics. These improvements have transformed 1958's simple lines and chunks of massive pixels into 2021's experiences that some may argue are more visually appealing than what lies outside their own home. Thus, graphics serve as the definitive aspect that drives the first impression of a product. This, of course, does not go unnoticed by companies and their ad departments.
  • Introduction Part III, Marketing

    Advertisements can make or break the success of a product, and by nature, most ads rely on the visual in order to draw in potential customers. This is no different for video games. Video game ads have long used one of two avenues for visually marketing what they have to offer: art and in-game visuals. Earlier in the history of video games, artistic renderings of game aspects were the mainstay since visual fidelity was, as a whole, much weaker than today.
  • Introduction Part IV, Early On

    Due to the quality of graphics of early video games, graphics were not often touted as a common avenue of advertising a game as it is today. This was simply due to the era's limitations in graphical output. However, as time went on and technology improved, so did the tendency of companies to market their games using their graphics as a selling point. This seems to occur around the early 90s during the era of the SNES, the Mega Drive/Genesis, and the Gameboy.
  • Introduction Part V, The Modern Day

    In contrast, nowadays, ads feature less of artistic renderings and other tropes common in the early days. A common choice in modern game ads are tech demos and in-game engine footage meant to dazzle both enthusiasts and casual onlookers. This is the culmination of the first impression role of graphics in attracting new players into the games. Long have graphics been used to attract new and old players into trying a game, although the methods have changed with the times and quality of output.
  • Artifact I: Gargoyle's Quest Advertisement

    Artifact I: Gargoyle's Quest Advertisement
    Here is an advertisement for a game called "Gargoyle's Quest" released on the original Gameboy in 1990. It shows the main character of the game, Firebrand, coming forth from the screen of the Gameboy to convey the bold claim of the ad, "GRAPHICS SO REAL YOU'LL FORGET IT'S ONLY A GAME." Below that is showcased some actual in-game screenshots. Emulation of reality has always been a hallmark of good graphics, although, this doesn't always apply, especially to games with cartoon-like styles.
  • Artifact I: Part II

    This strikes as an odd combo of claim and style since it can be seen clearly that the game has a cartoon style. Exaggeration would be considered an understatement by some, but its bold font and claim would grab many's attention, even today. Attention is the name of the game, however, for advertisements, even if it means stretching the truth. The game sold well and was praised for its usage of what the Game Boy platform had to offer.
  • Artifact II: Mortal Kombat Advertisement

    Artifact II: Mortal Kombat Advertisement
    During the early 90s, graphics were not near the level of appearance as today, especially on home consoles and handhelds. For many, the best place to find better graphics was in the arcades. This ad for 1992's Mortal Kombat claims "SO REAL IT HURTS!", and had the credentials of the time to back it up. Two characters from the game are emerging and grabbing two children; this, along with the claim, can be attributed to an excellent attention grabber that would intrigue many into trying the game.
  • Artifact II: Part II

    Mortal Kombat's digitized sprites scanned in real people to act as the in-game characters, and when combined with the game's over-the-top violence this created a game that stirred controversy by sheer existence. The graphics of the game were used to display realistic people and, albeit exaggerated, heavy gore. Between the promise of realism and violence, many were drawn in to give the game a try; this success secured the game in the annals of history and the series still lives on to this day.
  • Artifact III: "Old West Project" Tech Demo Trailer

    Artifact III: "Old West Project" Tech Demo Trailer
    "Old West Project" Tech Demo Trailer
    By the early 2000s, in order to show off their graphical achievements companies started doing tech demo videos that aimed at showing off what their engine could achieve. This trailer was released in 2005 and shows off what the company Rockstar called "Old West Project"; what was shown off would go on to be released as 2009's Red Dead Redemption. The trailer pans around a small western town as its setting.
  • Artifact III: Part II

    The video takes careful time to show light and shadows playing across the town as the sun rises and a lone rider goes down the street. Lastly, a man in a duster coat is shown on a ridge overlooking the town while the wind blows the fabric of his coat. The entire purpose of a trailer like this is to flex the metaphorical muscles of the game in order to dazzle enthusiasts and casual players alike into trying the game. The game sold very well and is heralded as one of the best games ever released.
  • Artifact IV: Crysis 3 In-Game Engine Tech Demo

    Artifact IV: Crysis 3 In-Game Engine Tech Demo
    Crysis 3 Graphics Tech Demo
    The Crysis series has long been held as a landmark of modern graphics, especially on PC systems. The trailer showcases the scenery and overall graphical capability of the game. They do this by going from one feature to the next in order really highlight each piece that assembles into the whole. Each feature has a technical name displayed whilst showing a scene in which that particular technology is especially at play.
  • Artifact IV: Part II

    This method of approach is meant to satisfy the knowledgeable enthusiasts while also giving everyone a bit of eye candy. The presentation is very confident in its style and even shows off even further by showcasing "Top Secret Tessellated Toad Tech" as a form of joke. The game was a success when released in 2013 and is still heralded for its visual fidelity over 8 years later.
  • Artifact V: Red Dead Redemption 2 Official Trailer

    Artifact V: Red Dead Redemption 2 Official Trailer
    RDR2 Trailer
    The trailer, after some logos, opens up on a sunrise framing a lone rider on the horizon followed by various scenes. Whilst the visuals play out, light thematic music plays until a short voice line is said. This clearly focuses on the visual aspect of the trailer. The scenery chosen is meant to show the peaks of the game engine's ability, shadows, sunlight peeking through trees, water, smoke, fire, and buildings.
  • Artifact V: Part II

    The trailer is done extremely well to the point that someone unaware may even mistake some scenes for reality. Much like the tech demos before, this trailer's purpose is to show off its visual fidelity while hinting at the tone of the game. Red Dead Redemption 2, released in 2018, was a massive hit and is now considered a masterpiece of audio-visual presentation as well as a masterpiece of a story.
  • Citations, Part I

    Crysis 3 - CryEngine3 Tech Trailer. 2012. [video] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JWvgETOo5ek: Gamespot. London, T., 1991. Graphics so real... Gargoyles Quest Ad. [Blog] Classic Game Boy Ads, Available at: http://gameboyoriginal.blogspot.com/2011/07/graphics-so-real-gargoyles-quest-ad.html [Accessed 28 March 2021]. Red Dead Redemption 2 Trailer. 2016. [video] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmA6MrX81z4: Rockstar.
  • Citations, Part II

    Red Dead Redemption E3 2005 Tech Demo Trailer. 2005. [video] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqk5DN_DO_o: Rockstar. Flyers.arcade-museum.com. 1992. The Arcade Flyer Archive - Video Game Flyers: Mortal Kombat, Midway Mfg. Co. WMS. [online] Available at: https://flyers.arcade-museum.com/?page=flyer&db=videodb&id=697&image=1 [Accessed 28 March 2021].