Inventions in the 90s

  • Photoshop

    This was the year when photoshop was first released by Adobe when they bought a license for distribution. It was created by two brothers, John and Thomas Knoll. This software was used for image editing.
  • The "WorldWideWeb"

    The "WorldWideWeb"
    WWW first started on March of 1989 by a programmer and physicist Tim Berners-Lee. By Christmas in 1990 there was a prototyped and in three months on an advanced next computer. It featured a server, HTML, URL'S, and the first browser.
  • ThinkPad

    IBM ThinkPad 700C laptop was created. It was lightweight and portable.
  • MP3

    The MP3 file format was published. The sound format later became the most common standard for music on PCs and then later digital audio players.
  • Nokia 9000

    Nokia 9000
    The first of Nokia's smartphones was introduced on August 15 in 1996 and it was a heavier phone that weighed 14oz. It was powered by Intel 24 MHz i386 CPU and had 8 MB of memory.