The first winged aircraft was made
Sir George Cayley, in England, made the first winged aircraft. He spent many years studying flight. -
The first powered aircrafts
Samuel Langley made a steam-powered airdrome. It was unmanned, and it flew for about a half mile. -
1st invented
Whitehead designed an aircraft in the early 1900s that could be driven like a car, but was fitted with wings that could be unfolded, turning the car into a plane. -
The first gasoline-powered model
After continuing his studies, Mr. Langley came up with a gasoline-powered engine for his airdromes. -
2nd invented
Buoyant over the success of their 1902 glider, the Wright brothers were no longer content to merely add to the growing body of aeronautical knowledge; they were going to invent the airplane. Still, they recognized that much hard work lay ahead, especially the creation of a propulsion system. During the spring and summer of 1903, they were consumed with leaping that final hurdle into history.
On December 17, 1903, Wilbur and Orville Wright made four brief flights at Kitty Hawk with their first -
1904 Flyer II
The Wright brothers second powered aircraft was almost a complete copy of the Flyer 1, but it had a flatter camber and stronger skids. It was not a capable flyer; the Wrights learned they learned they still had a lot of work to do before they had a practical airplane. Nonetheless, this was the first airplane to fly a complete circle, returning to the point where it took off. It was also the first aircraft on which the Wrights used their distinctive "bent-end" propellers. -
World War I brings about better airplanes
During WWI they needed better airplanes for fighting purposes. Many advances were made at this time, including faster and lighter planes -
B-2 Bombers are developed in 1990's
During the 90's engineers invented planes using non-metal materials that couldn't be detected by radar. Shortly after that, the stealth planes were invented. The production of bigger and better airplanes continues today, and one can only dream what will come next!