First Exposure to Traditional to New Media

By Mejie
  • Books

    ~ A set of printed or written text bound together where you can read, learn, and get informations. ~
  • Magazine

    ~ A type of a thin book that contains stories, essays, and pictures.
  • Television

    ~ An electric machine or equipment that is box-shaped with a screen where you can watch and hear different news, advertisement, or shows.
  • Radio

    ~ A technology or machine where you can hear news, advertisement, and local events. It is capable of receiving signals coming from the radio stations.
  • Newspaper

    ~ A combination of large sheets of paper that are folded together. It contains news stories, information about a local events, and advertisements.
  • Mobile Phones

  • Computer

  • Laptop

  • Projector

  • Google

  • Facebook

  • Youtube