First Battle of Ypres

By Libbyem
  • Race to the Sea Begins

    Race to the Sea Begins
    Each army tries to reach the North Sea coast first.
  • Antwerp Taken

    Antwerp Taken
    Belgian defenders pushed back to Nieuport after Germans capture Antwerp
  • Allies at Nieuport

    Allies reach Nieuport on North Sea coast
  • Period: to

    British expeditionary Forces Retreat

    British Expeditionary Forces retreat after fall of Antwerp as backup for France and Belgium
  • Germany Advances

    Germany Advances
    Germany's Army Cheif of Staff, Falkenhayn orders an advance to break the Allied line and capture ports of Dunkirk, Calais, and Boulogne; attacks Belgian defences on the Yser River
  • Belgium Comes Back

    Belgium Comes Back
    Belgium floods the 20-mile strip between Dixmude and Nieuport (between their position and Germany's); causes Falkenhayn to reconcider plans
  • German Cavalry Attacks

    A British cavalry unit is driven back from its position on the Messines Ridge by a larger German cavalry
  • Period: to

    German Forces Repeled

    General Douglas Haig's First Corp is able to repel Germany with its rapid firing rifles
  • German Divisions Attempt to Break British Lines

    German Divisions Attempt to Break British Lines
    German divisions try to get past British lines (north of Menin Road) in Nun's Woods (4 miles from Ypres); Germany eventually is able to break through, but Germany was not quick in action. This time delay allowed Britain time to scrounge together an army which although poorly trained, was able to drive Germany back
  • Fighting Lessens

    Winter Weather makes combat confusing and relentless. Fighting eventually comes to a halt
  • Post Battle Pride

    • Trenches at Ypres are called "The Salient" by British
    • "one [a man] was not a soldier unless he had served on the Ypres front." - Private Donald Fraser