The First Battle of Bull Run
This was the first major battle for the confederates. Throughout the battle transcontinental railroads were used for the transportation of soldiers. Knowing the plans of the Union this helped the confederates to defeat the Union. This battle also gave realization to many that the war wasn't going to be as brief as they wanted it to. -
Battle of Antietam
This was also called the Bloodiest single day withover 23,000 casualties. This stopped Robert Lee invasion to carry the war into the north so that Britain and France may get involved. With the victory of the north, this ceased an opportunity for the south to get aid from them.It gave Abraham Lincoln the chance to issue the Emancipation Proclamation and with this he fired George McClennan because if he preceded with action after the invasion of Lee,it would have gave them a chance to end the war. -
Seige of Vicksburg
This battle lasted until Independence Day in 1863. With the union winning, over 23,000 confederate soldiers surrendered giving the union an increase in weapons. With the result of this battle, the union had possession of the Mississippi river which is how the confederates transported their supplies. The east and the west of the confederate states were complete cut off from each other and without dependence on each other. -
This battle lasted until May 6,1863. This was yet another major victory for the confederates. Though this may have been said to be Lee's greatest victory, this brought destruction over the confederates military as well as the loss of Stonewall Jackson. This battle also brought devastion upon the Union's army in Northern Virginia. It also encouraged Lee to the invasion of the north. -
Battle of Gettysburg
This happened until July 3rd 1863 around the same time as Seige of Vicksburg. This was also known as the bloodiest battle. This battle stopped Robert Lee's second invasion into the North. With more than 50,000 casualties and removed more than 28,000 of the confederate states men. It was said that if Lee won this battle , it would of pressured Lincoln into peaceful negotiations.