First Amendment Activity

  • Schenck v. United States

    Schenck v. United States
    Evidence was held sufficiently to connect the defendants with the mailing of printed circulars in pursuance of conspiracy to obstruct the recruiting ad enlistment services, contrary to the Espionage Act of June 15, 1917.
  • Gitlow v. People

    Gitlow v. People
    For the purposes of the case it is assumed that freedom of speech and of the press are among the personal rights and liberties protected by the due process because of the fourteenth amendment from impairment.
  • Regents v Carroll

    Regents v Carroll
    The federal communticaions system renewed a radio license only after the applicant, Board of Regents, carried out a required repudiation of a contract with other people.
  • Bennett v Kentucky Dept. of Education

    Bennett v Kentucky Dept. of Education
    The secretary properly determined that Kentucky violated its assurances of compliance with Title 1 requiremets by approving the "readiness classes" and thereby misused Title 1 funds.
  • Hartford Fire Insurance Co. v California

    Hartford Fire Insurance Co. v California
    Nineteen states filed complaints alleging that the defendant violated the Sherman Act by engaging in various conspiracies aimed at forcing certain other primary insurers t chage th terms of their standard policies.
  • Garner v Jones

    Garner v Jones
    Respondent escaped while serving a life sentence for murder, committed another murder, and was sentenced to a second life term. The Board has the discretion to shorten that interval, but declined to do so when it applied the amended Rule in respondent's case, citing his multiple offenses and the circumstances and nature of his second offense.
  • Williams v Taylor

    Williams v Taylor
    A Virginia jury convicted petitioner Williams of a robbery and capital murder and after a sentencing hearing, found a probability of future dangerousness and unanimously fixed his punishment at death.
  • Central Green v United States

    Central Green v United States
    The Madera Canal, a federal facility leased to the Madera Irrigation District, flows through petitioner's California orchards.
    etitioner brought suit aganst respondent United Staes and the MID alleging that their negligence in the canal's desgn, construction, and maintenance caused subsurface flooding resulting in damage to the orchards and increased operating costs for petitioner.
  • Kansas v Ventris

    Kansas v Ventris
    Donnie Ray Ventris and Rhonda Theel were charged with murder and othercrimes. Prior to trial, an informant planted in Ventris's cell heard him admit to shooting and robbing the victim, but Ventris testified at trial that Theel committed the crimes.
  • Helen v North Carolina

    Helen v North Carolina
    Following a suspicious vehicle, Sergeant Matt Darisse noticed that only one of the vehicle's brake lights was working and pulled the driver over. While issuing a warning ticket for the broken brake light, Darisse became suspicious of the actions of the two occupants and their answers to his questions.
  • Walker v Sons of Confederate Veterans

    Walker v Sons of Confederate Veterans
    Texas offers automobile owners a choice between general-issue and specialty license plates.The Texas Division of the Sons of Confederate Veterans and its officers filed suitagainst the Chairman and members of the Board, arguing that the Board’s rejection of SCV’s proposal for a specialtyplate design featuring a Confederate battle flag violated the FreeSpeech Clause.
  • Heffernan v City of Patterson

    Heffernan v City of Patterson
    Petitioner Heffernan was a police officer working in the office of Paterson, New Jersey’s chief of police. Both the chief of police and Heffernan’s supervisor had been appointed by Paterson’s incumbent mayor, who was running for re-election against Lawrence Spagnola, a good friend of Heffernan’s. Heffernan was not involved in Spagnola’s campaign in any capacity.