The Blitz Begins
4:00 pm:
348 german bombers escorted by 617 fighter planes bombed London -
The second bombing
6:00pm until 4:30am: A second group of bombers attacked the east and moved toward central London. 430 people were killed and over 1600 badly hurt. -
Coventry Raided
In the night Coventry was raided leaving most of the city devastated. -
The Satan Bombs
more german bombers dropped a new kind of bomb with a delayed reaction, nicknamed satan by the people living in London -
Heaviest Night of Bombing
During this time, the heaviest night of bombing occurred. Thousands of fires were started -
One More Assult
This was one of the final raids. More than 500 aircraft dropped bombs killing more than 1400 people and damaging 14 hospitals. -
After The Blitz
After the bombing on May 10, Hitler shifted his interests away from the Blitz. Sporadic raids with increasingly large bombs continues for a several years after