
  • 21

    number 6

    number 6
    Sir Edward Henry, an Inspector General of Police in Bengal, India, develops the first system of classifying
    fingerprints. This system of classifying fingerprints.
  • number 1

    number 1
    Sir William Herschel, British Administrator in District in India, requires fingerprint and signatures on civil contract
  • number 2

    number 2
    Alphonse Bertillion, a French anthropologist, devised method of body measurements to produce a formula used to classify individuals. This method of classifying and identifying people became known as the Bertillion System.
  • number 3

    number 3
    Juan Vucetich, Argentine Police Official, Initiated the fingerprinting of criminals, (First case used was the Rojas
    Homicide in 1892, in which the print of a woman who murdered her two sons and cut her own throat in an attempt to
    place the blame on another person was found on a door post)
  • number 4

    number 4
    Sir Francis Galton, a British Anthropologist and cousin to Charles Darwin, publishes the first book on fingerprints.
  • number 5

    number 5
    International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP), Establish National Bureau of Criminal Identification, for the
    exchange of arrest information
  • number 7

    number 7
    The William West – Will West Case at a Federal Prison in Leavenworth, Kansas, changed the way that people
    were classified and identified
  • number 9

    number 9
    The first official fingerprint card was developed
  • number 8

    number 8
    U.S. Military adopts the use of fingerprints – soon thereafter, police agencies began to adopt the use of