fingerprint analysis timeline

  • Earliest study of fingerprints

    Earliest study of fingerprints
    Dr. Nehemiah writes a paper on the patterns that he sees on fingertips under a microscope
  • First scientist to on document recognize no fingerprint is the same

    First scientist to on document recognize no fingerprint is the same
    Johann Mayer describes in one of his writings that "the arrangement of skin ridges is never the same in two persons"
  • Fingerprint Patterns

    Fingerprint Patterns
    Jan Evangelist Purkyn states that there are 9 distinctly different patterns in fingerprints
  • collection and effect on prints by aging

    collection and effect on prints by aging
    Sir William Herschel began collecting fingerprints and noted patterns were unique to each person and did not change with age.
  • creation of bertillonage

    creation of bertillonage
    Alphonse Bertillion was an assistant clerk in a records office in the police station in paris. He created a way to identify criminals with their fingerprints which would be called Bertillonage
  • improved finger print collection

    improved finger print collection
    Ivan Vucetich improved fingerprint collection. He began to note measurmants on the identification cards of all arrested persons, as well as adding all 10 fingerprint impressions.
  • Start of biometric identification in the US

    Start of biometric identification in the US
    In New York in 1902 the use of biometrics for identification starts
  • first murder solved using fingerprints

    first murder solved using fingerprints
    Sir Francis Galton was credited with being the first to solve a murder with fingerprints. In 1888 before the case he solved he also happened to be one of the creators of the classification system of fingerprints that is still in use in the United States and Europe today.
  • Identification Department in FBI

    Identification Department in FBI
    The FBI establishes its first identification department, establishing a central respository of criminal identification data for US law enforcement agencies.
  • Automation

    the AFIS (Automated fingerprint identification system) was created in the 1980's and is used for criminal identification