Financial Milestones

  • Getting a new iPad

    Estimated cost/years to save $500/ ~6 months
    Cost per year $0 after 1-time payment

    Save for/ pursue other funding? Save for

    Plan: short, medium, or long term? Short-term
  • Saving for retirement

    Estimated cost/years to save: $50 per month until 65/retirement
    Cost per year: $600
    Save for/ pursue other funding? Save for
    Plan: short, medium, or long term? Long-term
  • Having $1,000

    Estimated cost/years to save: $200/ 4 months
    Cost per year: $1,000
    Save for/ pursue other funding? Save for
    Plan: short, medium, or long term? Short-term
  • Getting a PC

    Estimated cost/years to save: $1,000/2 months
    Cost per year: $1,000
    Save for/ pursue other funding? Save for
    Plan: short, medium, or long term? Short-term
  • Flying to Chicago

    Estimated cost/years to save: $4,000/1 year
    Cost per year: $3,500
    Save for/ pursue other funding? Save for
    Plan: short, medium, or long term? Medium-term
  • Buy a used car

    Estimated cost/years to save: $10,000/ 4 years
    Cost per year: $2,500
    Save for/ pursue other funding? Save for
    Plan: short, medium, or long term? Medium-term
  • Rent an apartment

    Estimated cost/years to save: $800
    Cost per year: $9,600
    Save for/ pursue other funding? Save for
    Plan: short, medium, or long term? Medium-term
  • Renovations/Repairs

    Estimated cost/years to save: $10,000/5 years
    Cost per year: $2,000
    Save for/ pursue other funding? Loan
    Plan: short, medium, or long term? Long-term
  • Buying a House

    Estimated cost/years to save: $320,000/ 12 years
    Cost per year: $64,000
    Save for/ pursue other funding? Loan/savings
    Plan: short, medium, or long term? Long-term