Final Test Timeline

  • 753 BCE

    Founding of Rome

    Founding of Rome
  • 500 BCE

    Roman Republic Begins

    Roman Republic Begins
  • 264 BCE

    Punic Wars

    Punic Wars
  • 146 BCE

    Civil Unrest in the Roman Republic

    Civil Unrest in the Roman Republic
  • 60 BCE

    Julius Caesar Rise to Power

    Julius Caesar Rise to Power
  • 44 BCE

    Julius Caesar was assassinated

    Julius Caesar was assassinated
  • 31 BCE

    Octavian becomes the First Emperor

    Octavian becomes the First Emperor
  • 286

    Roman Empire splits into Two Empires

    Roman Empire splits into Two Empires
  • 455

    Western Roman Empire Falls

    Western Roman Empire Falls
  • 476

    Roman Empire Falls

    Roman Empire Falls