Final Test

  • 90

    The Gospel is Written

    The Gospel is Written
    This is believed to be when Luke wrote the Gospel bringing the spread of Christianity through its written work, the Bible. In the gospels, the life of Jesus was told showing people that they could be saved from their sins and move on to heaven.
  • 312

    Constantine Converts the Roman Empire to Christianity

    Constantine Converts the Roman Empire to Christianity
    With Constantine converting to Christianity, many Romans follow suit to be in better grace with the emperor. This then results in Christianity becoming the dominant religion throughout the Empire and taking hold across the known world.
  • 450

    "Popes" First Begin to Take Control Over the Church

    "Popes" First Begin to Take Control Over the Church
    This occurred when archbishops in Rome concluded that they had all power over other archbishops, and some did comply. This then created the claim for later Popes that they were the head of the Christain faith, thus creating the Papacy.
  • 530

    Justinian is Made the Spiritual Leader of the Christian Church

    Justinian is Made the Spiritual Leader of the Christian Church
    This is very important as this would set the tradition for later emperors to do the same as him. This would also result in the first significant split within Christianity that would leave two major factions, Catholicism and Orthodoxy.
  • 720

    The Donation of Constantine is Revealed

    The Donation of Constantine is Revealed
    This document was used by the Popes to state that Constantine supposedly granted authority to the papacy over the Western Roman Empire. The papacy would use this to try and assert its power over the Western Roman Empire.
  • 800

    Charlemagne Crowed Holy Roman Emperor

    Charlemagne Crowed Holy Roman Emperor
    Charlemagne's coronation as Holy Roman Emperor would create the idea of there being a Holy Roman Empire, although it would not return until much later after his death.
  • 1095

    The First Crusade

    The First Crusade
    This was the first time that there was a holy Christian war. This would spark many more Crusades against those that the Pope deemed needed to be saved through Christ.
  • 1303

    The Babylonian Captivity Begins

    The Babylonian Captivity Begins
    The Babylonian Captivity began when a French Pope moved to Avignon in France after the previous Pope had died. This would lead to the Pope no longer being within Rome for the first time in centuries.
  • 1378

    The Great Western Schism

    The Great Western Schism
    This caused a large divide among Catholics as there were two separate popes that both claimed to be the true pope, leading tension to rise amongst the Catholic faith.
  • 1440

    The Creation of the Printing Press

    The Creation of the Printing Press
    This would allow for the Bible to be printed more efficiently. This would then begin to print Bibles in other languages outside of Latin, which was the leading cause for the later Protestant Reformation.