Final Test

  • Period: 3000 BCE to 1500

    Thesis Statement

    Throughout history, political structures have been set in place to organize and run entire civilizations in a way that benefits either the citizens or the rulers.
  • 1792 BCE

    Code of Hammurabi

    Code of Hammurabi
    Hammurabi was a leader that applied the eye for an eye analogy into his own laws. Those laws were set in place for his people to follow. It was one of the first times where a law was applied over a dynasty.
  • 509 BCE

    The Roman Senate

    The Roman Senate
    The Roman Senate held an important place within the Romans political structure. Originally made up of 300 men who served for life, the responsibility of the Senate was to give advice to the magistrates and that advice was not taken lightly. Later on into the Roman Empire the responsibilities of the Senate were slowly taken away by some emperors.
  • 500 BCE


    The idea of democracy began in Athens, Greece, and was led by Cleisthenes. This idea of the people holding the power and not a powerful few holding power is one that has lasted up to the current day. Without the Greeks creating this idea our current world would be much different than it currently is.
  • 471 BCE

    Tribunes and the Council of the Plebs

    Tribunes and the Council of the Plebs
    The Tribunes and the Council of the Plebs gave a voice to and protected the plebians. With both the tribunes and the council working together they could make proposals binding only on the plebians. The tribunes also were able to protect the plebs from arrest by patrician magistrates. It was an important political system at the time.
  • 1 CE

    The Papacy

    The Papacy
    Beginning with Saint Peter as the first pope, the papacy has had a large amount of both political and religious power. With that power, the line of Popes has set in place many things that have affected the political landscape.
  • 750


    Feudalism was a social structure for quite a while. Although it was a social structure, this system also dominated politics as well. There was a "pyramid" of power that acted as a form of law for every single person.
  • 1100

    Aristocratic Marriage

    Aristocratic Marriage
    With Aristocratic marriage, the families of great kings would marry their children with other people of high status to increase the wealth and status of themselves. Sometimes the Kings would even marry their own children to stay powerful and "pure".
  • 1295

    The English Parliament

    The English Parliament
    The Parliament was created in England and was used to help rule England. From this point on, others used a similar idea to rule their own nations. Even up to today the Parliament still exists and is still in use as a form of government.
  • 1400

    Modern Diplomacy

    Modern Diplomacy
    The form of modern diplomacy that we all know today came from the Italian Renaissance. During that time, the Italian states sent ambassadors to other Italian states in an attempt to have political gain. Over time, this practice evolved into the modern diplomacy we all know today.
  • 1492

    Discovery of the New World

    Discovery of the New World
    When Christopher Columbus found land on his voyages he opened up hundreds of opportunities for political change and evolution within New World.