Sexist shoe rack

Final Project: Timeline of the portrayal of women in fashion and fragrance print advertisements

  • Van Heusen Ties

    Van Heusen Ties
    Similar to many ads of this time period, the ad displays a married couple with the wife being subservient to her husband. She's on her knees giving her husband breakfast in bed with the caption, "show her it's a man's world." There is no reason for the man to be dressed up while laying in bed, but it clearly shows the stereotypes of this time period
  • Drummond Sweaters

    Drummond Sweaters
    An overtly hegemonic ad of men being considered, "better than women." The climbing sweatshirt can be worn anywhere, without the need to "haul" women up a cliff to show it off. The theme of women being "below" men, like in this ad, continues through modern day advertising.
  • The Feminine Mystique

    The Feminine Mystique Friedan, author of The Feminine Mystique, was a leading activist in the second wave feminist movement. The Feminine Mystique displayed the unhappiness of housewives who were in need of liberation and change. Friedan and other women activists set the stage for a radical change in America's culture. As the second-wave feminist movement began receiving credibility, women were being granted new rights that helped bridge that gap of gender stereotypes.
  • Warner's Gidrle and Bra

    Warner's Gidrle and Bra
    This ad says straight out to the readers that women should not be shapely. The ideal woman that this ad its alluding to should be thin without curves. This idea that being full and having curves is considered beautiful is now changing. To achieve beauty one must be skinny, tall, and tan.
  • Dacron Leggs Trousers

    Dacron Leggs Trousers
    Not only sexist, but an extremely misogynistic men's trousers advertisement displaying a man with his foot on the head of a woman. The ad suggests that wearing these pants will allow you to, "walk all over women." The objectification of women and body chopping are just two of a variety of things wrong with this advertisement.
  • Weyenberg Massagic Shoes

    Weyenberg Massagic Shoes
    This sexist men's shoe ad suggests that these shoes are so nice that women will be laying on the floor to stare at them. The ad also infers that this position of laying on the floor is, "where she belongs." Along with ads that came before it and ads that will come after it, the idea of women laying on the floor will continue to exemplify male dominance.
  • Killing Us Softly: Advertising's Image of Women

    Killing Us Softly: Advertising's Image of Women
    Since Killbourne's first award winning documentary, "KiIling Us Softly" came out in 1979, she has become an influential spokesperson on the image of women in advertising. Her work is igniting a flame for others to fight against the negative portrayal of women in advertising.
  • Maidenform Lingerie

    Maidenform Lingerie ad depicts a woman in lingerie holding a pair of stockings. It insinuates that women with nice bodies in provocative lingerie will have a brighter future than the women who don't meet these standards. Sexy women are become essential parts of clothing ads. More and more advertisements are insinuating that a women's looks are the most important characteristic about her. This negative ideology begins to create body image issues in girls of all ages.
  • Neiman Marcus Company

    Neiman Marcus Company sexist advertisement for women's clothing is insinuating that women aren't "exciting," and the only way they can obtain more excitement in their life is by wearing this company's clothing. One can further assume that the man situated behind the woman is there to show the excitement the ad is talking about is sex related.
  • Wonderbra

    This Wonderbra advertisement with model Eva Herzigova displays a growing trend of ads becoming more sexual. Advertisers now realize that "sex sells."
  • Maxim

    A popular snowboarder, Gretchen Bleiler, who should be bundled up while displaying snow gear is half naked in this image. The advertisement isn't selling clothing, instead it's selling her body. Although not a sexist advertisement, the ads shows how a women's body is more important than the clothing she is wearing
  • Lee Jeans

    Lee Jeans
    A very controversial ad for Lee Jeans showing two young teens being sexualized. Lee is just one of many companies dressing up women to look younger and sexualzing them.
  • Tom Ford

    Tom Ford
    Tom Ford's brand line for men is based all around women and sex using the technique, body chopping. By using this concept, viewers are led to believe that women are only valuable for certain parts of their body. Only showing women's breasts and privates- these two ads are overtly sexual and completely aimed at men.
  • Dolce & Gabbana

    Dolce & Gabbana
    Dolce & Gabbana has been know for its provocative ads. For many people, this ad goes a bit too far. Displaying signs of gang rape and violence has not only caused an uproar, but also has been banned in countries such as Italy.
  • Filippa Hamilton

    Filippa Hamilton
    Even popular veteran model, Filippa Hamilton couldn't keep up with the consistent influx of size zero models. The link below shows an interview between Hamilton and the Today Show talking about her recent departure with popular fashion line, Ralph Lauren for being too fat too wear their clothing.
  • Oh, Lola!

    Oh, Lola!
    "Oh, Lola!" is a recent controversial ad displaying Dakota Fanning wearing a pink dress and holding a bottle of perfume between her legs. The ad was scrutinized for "sexualizing children." Although Fanning is 17, she is dressed up to look much younger and is sitting in a provocative position.
  • Pollini Fashion Brand

    Pollini Fashion Brand
    There has been a growing trend of female violence and death in fashion ads. This ads depicts a very fashionable "dead" female. Violence and death in the world of advertisement is unfortunately rolling over to the real world.
  • American Apparel

    American Apparel Apparel has received criticism for their racy and sexist advertisements in the past. They didn't disappoint with one of their more recent ads picturing a woman model wearing only "men's flannels and cotton undies," while there's a picture of a fully dressed man next to her. Men in advertising are usually depicted to portray dominance and masculinity, while women are shown to be the weaker and more vulnerable sex. A majority of modern ads sexualize women, while a smaller