Vimy Ridge
On april 9 1917 Canada begins its attack on vimy ridge. The other allied forces had failed to take over the ridge from the Germans. This was the first time Canadians fought alone for the first time in Canadian history. Vimy was also the first time soldiers were given maps and was prepared 2 weeks before with railroads and tunnels for the attack. -
Halifax explosion
On December 6 1917 the city of Halifax saw and felt the effects of war firsthand. Halifax during wwI was the main port for shipping goods overseas. On December 6 two war munitions ships collided creating the biggest explosion up until the dropping of the nuke . 1500 people died instantly and many more where killed because of their injuries. Also the Halifax harbor was destroyed and everything around it. -
Fall of the economy
On September 3 1929 prices peaked on the new York Stock Exchange the largest north American stock exchange but after a while the prices began to fall most people in the stock exchange panicked and sold there shares in the market. Then on October 29th 1929 for stock market crashed and caused the great depression of the 1930s -
On to Ottawa trek
By 1935, many people mostly single males where sick of living in relief camps so they wanted to go to Ottawa to protest about the living conditions. So on June 3rd 1935 about 1000 protesters got on top of train cars heading for Ottawa. But by the fact they got to Regina Bennett was ready to break things up. He stopped the now 2000 trekkers on their way to Ottawa and only let 7 people pass to talk about the relief camps. -
The Dieppe raid
On August 1942 the Allied forces including 5000 Canadians attacked on the coast of France everything that could go wrong did go wrong and everybody that was there was either killed, injured, or prisoners of war. -
D-day Normandy
On June 6th 1994 Canadian, USA and British troops landed on the French coast of Normandy. It was the largest land, sea and air attack in history. Unlike Dieppe everything was perfect for the attack on the Normandy. Even though lots of people died the attack was very successful. -
The Cold war
In the period between 1945 and 1990 much of the world was divided into two sides the Soviet Union and its allies and the USA and it's allies by 1949 both sides had atomic bombs that could destroy any country in the world including each other which led to the cuban missile crisis, spy's , and the fear of being killed by radiation. -
The october crisis
The October crisis took place in Quebec after the francophone people got sick of hearing anglophone people boss them around so a terrorist group started in Quebec also known as the FLQ they would place bombs in areas where anglophone people lived and this is the first time that the canadian government has had to call the war measures act to stop the FLQ. -
How these events changed Canada
To me these are the events that changed Canada because these events defined who we as a nation through wars, helping each other out in time of crisis but also some of these events should be remembered like all the people who lost their lives in things like the Dieppe raid or D-day and the people at lost there lives during the October crisis. But we should remember how we fought through the years of the great depression. This is why these are my events that I chose.