Final Project

  • Period: to

    Prenatal Stage

  • First Trimester

    First Trimester
    The heart begins to beat, facial and body features began to develop, embryo turns into a fetus
    Personal Image
  • Second Trimester

    Second Trimester
    The baby's sex is apparent and they are able to breathe amniotic fluid and develop it into air sacs into the lungs. The baby is also able to kick and move around. Near the end of the second trimester their taste buds begin developing and are able to suck their thumb as well.
  • Third Trimester

    Third Trimester
    At the beginning of the third trimester, the baby's brain begins developing neurons and they are soon able to distinguish between light and dark. The baby's lungs begin to work and their hair starts to grow. Near the end of the trimester the baby is ready to leave the womb and has greatly increased in size.
    Personal Image
  • Period: to

    Infant Stage

  • Post Birth

    Post Birth
    From birth to two weeks I mainly slept and ate. The body is still developing, especially the headshape, at this stage. The deveop reflexes, sight, hearing, touch/pain, and taste/smell.
  • Physical Milestones

    Physical Milestones
    By the end of the first year after birth I accomplished several physical milestones. By six months I learned to roll over, sit without support, stand, and rock back and forth. These movements advanced as I continued to grow and develop. By twelve months I was able to get up without any help, "cruise", and stand alone.
  • Social-Emotional Milestone

    Social-Emotional Milestone
    Around six months of age I was able to know familiar faces, play with others, respond to emotions, and look at myself in the mirror. When I reached one year, attachment became an influence in how I interacted with others. I began to be nervous around new people and anxious when my mother or grandparents would leave me alone. Around this time I began to develop likes and dislikes as well.
  • Cognitive Milestones

    Cognitive Milestones
    During infancy I was in the Sensory Motor Stage, which is Piaget's first stage in cognitive development of "Sensorimotor Intelligence". By the end of the first year I was able to have a thought and carry out a goal. For example, when I would play with my dog and she ran away, I would keep trying to get her back.
  • Language Milestone

    Language Milestone
    At six months I learn to respond to my own name, babble, and make sounds to show either joy or displeasure. In the first twelve months of age I am able to respond to requests, use simple gestures, and copy words I hear around me.
  • Period: to

    Toddler Stage

  • Physical Milestones

    Physical Milestones
    At eighteen months I was able to start walking alone and running. When I reached two years of age I could tiptoe, kick balls, climb onto furniture alone, use the stairs, and throw balls over my head. Personal Image Below
  • Social-Emotional Milestones

    Social-Emotional Milestones
    Around 18 months was when my emotions began to show more as temper tantrums started but would rarely occur.I was afraid of strangers so in public places my grandmother would give me paper and a pen so I could doodle to distract myself.Whenever children my age, such as my cousins,were present I would feel more calm and excited and began to do things alongside them.I was rarely ever defiant to anyone taking care of me.I was also able to copy others facial expressions as seen in personal image.
  • Cognitive Development

    Cognitive Development
    When I reached eighteen months I learned how to scribble, follow basic commands, point at things to get others attentions, and identify what regular objects were such as a toothbrush or a phone. As I got older and reached two years of age, I was able to find objects that were hidden in a more complex manner, sort shapes and colors, play simple make believe games with children around me.
  • Language Milestones

    Language Milestones
    At eighteen months I learned to say several single words, shake my head to say no, and point to things I want. As I reached two years of age my language skills developed greatly. I was able to start saying short sentences, follow simple instructions, repeat words or phrases, and know the names of familar people and body parts.
  • Period: to

    Early Childhood

  • Cognitive Milestones

    Cognitive Milestones
    In this period I learned how to play with toys, play make believe, understand time, play board or card games, count, and understand a story. My memory also develops and the first stage is sensory motor. Auditory sensory motor information last three to five seconds when I reached six years of age.
    Source of image:
  • Physical Milestones

    Physical Milestones
    The gross motor skills I was able to achieve were swinging and climbing, using the toilet alone, and riding a tricycle. Riding bikes was my favorite activity to do growing up. As for fine motor skills, I learned to draw people, write print and numbers, copy geometric shapes, and use a fork or spoon. I couldn't find a picture of me riding a bike, but there is one of me riding a horse (Personal Image).
  • Language Milestones

    Language Milestones
    Milestones for this age include following more complex instructions, knowing basic rules of grammar, knowing my first and last name, telling a story, knowing my address, and using future tense while being able to speak clearly.
    Source of image:
  • Social-Emotional Milestone

    Social-Emotional Milestone
    By three years of age I was able to show affection and concern, take turns, and understand possesion. At four years I was able to enjoy new activities, engage in more creative make believe play espeically with others, and talk about what I liked and disliked. When I was five years old I wanted to be like my friends and agreed with rules, became aware of gender, showed more independence, and started singing,dancing, and acting.
    Personal Image of me dancing at Preschool Graduation
  • Period: to

    Middle Childhood

  • Physical Milestones

    Physical Milestones
    Motor skills advanced, for example before I was able to start using a tricycle. At this age I was able to advance that skill and ride a bike regularly. This is because my development was allowing me to have greater control over the movement of my body in order to master the gross and fine motor skills. Extracurriculars came into play at this age and I experimented with karate and gymnastics.
    Source of image:
  • Cognitive Milestones

    Cognitive Milestones
    This period of development is defined by Piaget's Concrete Operational Stage. The skills learned in this stage are seration, classification, reversibility, conservation, decentering,identity, and transivity. The first skill is seration, where I learn to arrage items in a quantitative manner. In the last skill, transivity, I was able to learn how objects relate to each other.
    Source of image:
  • Language Milestones

    Language Milestones
    By the end of middle childhood, my vocabulary greatly increased, especially due to the influnece of reading. I was also bilingual, which gave me a cognitive advantage as I was able to better express concepts and ideas.
    Source of image:
  • Social-Emotional Milestones

    Social-Emotional Milestones
    In middle childhood I gained a more realistic sense of self which was influenced by my self concept and self efficacy. Self efficacy was also a huge factor in motivation , and if it was low I would develop learned helplessness, which was a belief that I had a complete lack of control over mastering a task. This was apparent in school when I did not undertsnad certain topics.
    Source of image:
  • Period: to


  • Physical Milestones

    Physical Milestones
    In adolescence I undergo a growth spurt, puberty, and brain growth. Puberty marks the beginning of this period as its a developmental stage causing hormonal changes leading to rapid physical changes and culminating in sexual maturity. Girls begin earlier than boys, and I remember I started in third or fourth grade when I first got my period. Soon after I noticed physical changes in my body while the boys stayed the same.
  • Cognitive Milestones

    Cognitive Milestones
    Teen thinking is marked by being able to consider multiple points of view, hypothetical situations, debates ideas, and forms new ideas. Cognitive empathy also takes place and its the ability to take perspective of others and feel concern. This was harder for me to develop due to my upbringing and how my parents interacted with me.
  • Social-Emotional Milestones

    Social-Emotional Milestones
    Identity vs. Role confusion is a major stage of development that marks adolescence as they gain a sense of self. There are four different identity statuses, and I fell under Identity foreclosure. I felt as if I had to live up to and exceed my mother's footsteps due to her high accomplishments which caused me to not explore more options in fear of failing.
  • Language Milestones

    Language Milestones
    By adolescence I was able to speak clearly, articulate my thoughts, follow complex instructions, and retain large amounts of information.