Learns of Diabetes
- High Blood Pressure
- Obsese
- High blood sugar
- High cholesterol
Cousin Dies
I was very depressed when this happend because she was like an older sister to me. But I eventually accepted that I cannot get her back so I just have to deal with it and often I was angry alot and took it out on other people. -
Puberty begins
- Sex charecteristics develope
- Increasing memory and cognition
Pumpa Lewis Starts Smoking
- Chronic Bronchitis
- Emphysema
- Lung Cancer
Lost my bestfriend
It was just the beginning of a new Trimester so I had new classes with more friends. -
Get out and be active
Instead of being inside and eating junk food, I was going to play ball outside and chose to eat more healthy foods. -
My grades are falling
I kind of gave up on everything I was working and I started to eat more junk food. I overacame this by staying after school and turning late assignments. -
Annacil tries to drive drunk
- You are intoxicated, and you can get alcohol poisioning
- If you drive home drunk and run a light you can risk your life.
Staying abstinent pledge
- Set limits on physical affection
- Practice refusal skills
- Stay away from people who make fun of your decisions to stay away from drugs
Bestfriend starts drinking on the weekends
- Heart damage
- High blood pressure
- Alcohol poisoining
- Addiction
Home sick with the flu
- Take lots of medicine
- Drink lots of water
- Get a lot of sleep Be cautious
- Drink water more often
- Get vaccines
- Get excersize