Period: 776 BCE to
History of the Olympics (History)
Olympics is the most famous sports event in the world being held every 4 years.In olympics they compete in nearly every sport with the athletes representing their countries.Olympics is also the most historical sports event having being created during the ancient Greek times.It was a very popular competition in Greece already in 776 B:C where they honoured the greek gods.The first modern olympicgames were in 1896 and have been held since.Its an very important respected and historical event. -
Period: 13 BCE to 19 BCE
Troy (film, Performing art)
Troy is a film about how Sparta attacked Troy and fought eachother for a long time without braking into troy walls but eventually getting in with the legendary trojan horse. There is no message it is believed to have happened in history. 3.This Film is important because it is based from the stories of Homers Iliad, which is believed to be the source to most of the ancient Greek History stories.To humanities Homer is the key to most of the answers on why and how something happened in ancient yrs -
Period: Jan 1, 610 to Dec 26, 610
Ramadan (Religious Muslim event)
Ramadan is a Muslim event that occurs once a year for a month.During the month Muslims are not allowed to drink or eat during sunlight,they can only eat while it is dark.The idea of Ramadan is that people start to appreciate food and water and get an idea what life would be like without them.When the Ramadan finished they celebrate Eid which can be compared to Christians Christman.I think this is an interesting event because it is something tough that people dont take into consideration. -
Period: Jan 1, 1300 to
Jewish Bar Mitzvah (Religion)
Bar Mitzvah is a party for Jewish boys when they turn 13 and 12 for girls.It is the time when they are declared responsible for their actions and no longer the responsibility of the parents. This is a very important time for the Jewish time in the past where boys were declared as men and girls as women with responsibilities to take care of. However today the world is different, you can not give a 13 or 12 year old full responsibilities because they are still children without alot of knowledge. -
Period: Jan 1, 1564 to
William shakespeare- My mistress eyes(poem,literature)
Shakespeares poem my mistress eyes is about him comparing his girlfriend of wife to all things on earth,like the colour of roses to her cheeks,wire to her hair etc.2. I feel like Shakespeare is making her wife sound bad with the way he compares her to things,like saying her breath reeks although perfumes smell.I think hes saying that he loves her for what she is in the inside and not the outside. 3.Its an important poem because it shows that you fall inlove with the person and not the looks. -
Van Gogh- Starry nights portrait (visual art)
1.The painting includes a view from somewhere fairly high.The view consists a little town or city at the bottom but the most eye catching is the beautiful sky with the moon and stars which bring the light to the painting. 2.I dont think there is a bigger meaning to the portrait.It looks like the sky has something going on.Its just a very famous painting. 3.This work is meaningful because its said that he painted this from the view of his hospital window when he was sickly being taken care of. -
Period: to
William Butlers Yeats- an Irish man forsees his death (poem,literature)
The Poem is about going into war really with Butler explaining that the war is not really theres to fight and that the people fighting are basically ready for their fate.2. He is talking about the war and how it is a waste of time for the soldiers because they are fighting a war that isnt their problem. 3. I think this poem is important because Butler is talking about his friend who died by Italian who were their allies at the time.. So basically he died for nothing because of an accident. -
Pablo Picasso Humanities project. Pablo Picasso (visual art)
- Pablo Picasso (girl Before a mirror) shows a girl leaning onto a mirror while looking at herself from it.
- message for me is that how we see ourselves vs how others see us. Basically saying that you are not always the person you think you are. 3.This painting is important to me because Picasso,someone who wasnt respected while he was alive and started be respected after his death,because thats when they realized there was alot more to his paintings.His paintings have alot more to them..
Period: to
The History of the Winter war in world war II (History)
The Winter war was a war that started in 11.30.1939 between the Soviet Union and Finland.Soviet Union gave an ultimatum to Finland for them to receive land but Finland refused.In the Winter war Soviet Union attacked Finland with large forces but were unable to get what they wanted which lead them to lose alot of soldiers to an much smaller force.This was a humiliation for the Russians and a sign to Russians that they could not puppet Finland anymore after being a independent country for a while. -
Period: to
Bob Marley- Buffalo Soldier (performing art,song)
This song by Bob Marley is quite an easy going song with a reggae rhythm to it.It is a song where he sings about Africans being taken from Africa and brought to America for slavery.Marley is trying to say that when Americans went to Africa to get slaves they basically just stole them as if they were a different creature.I think this work is interesting because it shows how they still think about where their roots have come from originally and how much impact it has had on north and south America -
Period: to
Humanities project. Pablo Picasso (visual art)
- Pablo Picasso (girl Before a mirror) shows a girl leaning onto a mirror while looking at herself from it.
- message for me is that how we see ourselves vs how others see us. Basically saying that you are not always the person you think you are. 3.This painting is important to me because Picasso,someone who wasnt respected while he was alive.people started to respect him when he was dead,because thats when they realized there was alot more to his paintings.His paintings arent just art..
Period: to
Van Gogh- starry nights portrait (visual art)
1.The painting includes a view from somewhere fairly high.The view consists a little town or city at the bottom but the most eye catching is the beautiful sky with the moon and stars which bring the light to the painting. 2.I dont think there is a bigger meaning to the portrait.It looks like the sky has something going on.Its just a very famous painting. 3.This work is meaningful because its said that he painted this from the view of his hospital window when he was sickly being taken care of. -
Period: to
Concept of Beauty (philosophy)
Beauty is something that pleasures you to look at it can be anything like a view, a person,country,tree. Anything can be beautiful for anyone,its the opinion of the viewer.Someone might think something is beautiful while someones opinion might be different.
Beauty is something that you enjoy in everyday life and its important for people to notice it daily.I think its important for people to express their opinions instead of going with the mass and thinking something is nice because someone says. -
Period: to
Belief (concept of philosophy)
Belief is something you accept that is true or believe that exists.It is something you trust and have faith & confidence in.Beliefs can be adjusted in anything,its someones opinion about something whether something is or is not.A religion is a belief that we have trust and confidence in.Belief is a strong source of mindset,If you really believe in things it can help you achieve it.If someone always doubts themselves things are unlikely to happen while belief makes you confident and stronger.