Final Project

  • The Westward Expansion

    The Westward Expansion
    The Westward expansion was when a group of Americans expanded to the unexplored West in hopes for more land to grow crops, more industrialization, and a better quality of life. They soon realized that the land was not that suitable for growing crops and their was not a lot of areas for mining.
  • The Civil War

    The Civil War
    This war was between the Union and the Confederacy. This was mostly over slavery, westward expansion, and rights that each of the states had.
  • The Reconstruction Era

    The Reconstruction Era
    This time period was after the Civil War when slavery was abolished. America had started to incorporate blacks into a dominantly white society. This included socially and politically.
  • Gilded Age

    Gilded Age
    The Gilded age was characterized by political corruption. The government was trying to make everything seem good when they were treating the wealthy and the poor unequal. There was a time of economic growth but it was only the wealthy.
  • Industrialization and Rise of Big Business

    Industrialization and Rise of Big Business
    There were a lot of technological advances during this time. Railroads were expanded and so were telephone line leading to an increase in industrialization.
  • Growing Pains of InIndustrialization

    Growing Pains of InIndustrialization
    Wealthy people during this time were either allowed to pass down their wealth, give it back to the community, or give it to family. Many people looked at wealthy people and expected them to give back to the poor.
  • The Progressive Era

    The Progressive Era
    This Era was a period of fixing political corruption. It was a time for social reformation and focusing on the education and technology.
  • World War I

    World War I
    World War I was between the Allies and the Central Powers. This war was set off because of the assassination of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand. There were many alliances between countries.
  • The Jazz Era

    The Jazz Era
    During this time, many people moved to urban areas which was different because most people moved to the suburbs. This was a time of economic advances. A lot of music and dancing was popular at this time. Right after this era was The Great Depression, when America was at its economic low.
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    The Great Depression was the time that the United States was at its all time lowest. The stock market crashed, lots of unemployment, low economy, starvation, and many lost their homes.
  • Stock Market Crash

    The stock market crash was a major cause of the Great Depression. During the Roaring 20's, the economy was at an all time high, until it crashed and led to America's all time lowest economy.
  • The New Deal

    The New Deal
    The New Deal was laws passed by Congress. It gave people jobs after the Great Depression and helped our economy to grow again.
  • World War II

    World War II
    World War II occurred at the end of the Great Depression. Even after the war, there was still a lot of rebuilding to do. Women had to take on roles that the men typically carried out while they were at war.
  • Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor

    This was a surprise military attack from the Japanese Navy on the American Navy Base in Hawaii.
  • The Cold War

    The Cold War
    This War was between the United States and Soviet Union. This happened 2 years after World War II
  • The Civil Rights Movement

    The Civil Rights Movement
    The Cicil Rights Movement was a social movement to get rid of discrimination and help to promote equality between blacks to American society.
  • Rosa Park's Bus incident

    Rosa parks was an elite Civil Rights leader activist. In 1955, she refused a bus drivers orders to move to the back of the bus. She started a bus boycott and helped to end the discrimination of blacks.
  • Martin Luther King's "I have a Dream Speech"

    Martin Luther King's "I have a Dream Speech"
    Martin Luther King delivered a speech on August 28th, 1963 to a group of Civil Rights activists. This speech is now very well known today and he even had a day dedicated for all he did for discrimination.
  • Malcolm Xs' Speech

    Malcolm X was a Civil Rights Activist who spoke in front of a large group of activists. His speech was about standing up to police brutality towards black people.
  • The Watergate Scandal

    This was a scandal involving the political party of Nixon. He did many things wrong while he was president that lead to a corrupt government.