final project

  • Period: 300 to 1100


    location:Western Africa
    achievement:controlled 3 major gold fields
  • Period: 319 to 467

    Gupta Empire

    Location: northeastern India
    Achievement: developed the religion hinduism
  • Period: 395 to 1453

    Byzantine Empire

    location:land surrounding the Mediterranean Sea
    achievement:Combining christian religion and roman religion
  • Period: 610 to 1258

    Muslim Empire

    location:Arabian Peninsula
  • Period: 618 to 907

    Imperial China (Tang China)

    Location: East Asia
    Achievement: Invented Gunpowder
  • Period: 800 to

    holy roman empire

    location:western Europe
    achievement: Conquering italy
  • Period: 800 to 1000


    Location: southeastern Mexico
    Achievement: developed astronomy, calendar systems, and hieroglyphic writing
  • Period: 1200 to 1533


    Location: South American
    Achievement: built roads
  • Period: 1235 to


    location: western africa
    achievement: Building numerous impressive mosques and universities
  • Period: 1325 to 1519


    Location: Central Mexico
    Achievement: aqueducts and dikes
  • Period: 1464 to


    Location: West Africa
    Achievement: scholarly advances
  • Period: to

    Japan (Heian and Edo )

    Location: Tokyo
    Achievement: Rise of new Merchant class