Interest in Cuba
The United States had a long interest in cuba that was 90 miles which was 90 miles south of Flordia. President Franklin Pierce recommened that the United States should buy Cuba from Spain. The spanish said that they would rather see Cuba be sunk in the ocean. -
The United States Takes Hawaii
The Hawaiian land was very important to the United States because of the sugar. -
Four goals of social welfare
Protecting socail welfare, promotin moral improvement, creating economic reform, and fostering effciency. These were the four goals that were important to push or help they economy get better. To prevent rights. -
U.S.S Main Explodes
President McKinley had the Main to go to Cuba and bring Americans home from danger, because they wrere fighting to protect their american proterty. On Feb. 15 the ship blew up in the harbor of Havana, more than 260 men were killed. No one knows why the ship was exploded. -
War with Spain
The Americans wanted revenge on Spain because the wouldn't give us Cuba, plus they made Spain pay for everything they asked for on a government argeement. -
Protecting Working Childern
The main goal for me for this was to stop under age working, and to end child labor. The main reason why people hired childern is because they were unskilled, and got paid lower wages. Childern were adept because they have small hands. The group for this was National Child Labor Committee, which they investigated if child were working in bad conditions -
Limiting Work Hours
They assisted Florence Kelley and Josephine Goldmark argued the point that women were economically insecure than large corporations. This is basically telling you that women back then got less hours to work then men did. -
The Asssasaintion of Archduke Franzf Ferdinand
This was the start to the war with Russia -
Reforming Elections
Basically recalling votes, because all the votes were by the senate and the house. So they did a recall and let the citizens vote who should be president and who shouldn't. -
The war hits home
America had declared war against the central powers for tow reasons to ensure allied repayment of debts to the u.s and to prevent the fermans from threatening u/s shipping -
Fourteen Points
Wilson gave a speech about the 14 points before Congress. The points were divided into three groups. First 5 points wre issues that Wilson believed had to be addressd to prevent another war. 1. THere should be no secret treaties among nation. 2. Freedom of the seas should be maintained for all. 3. Tariffs and other economic barriers among nations should be lowered or abolished in order to foster free trade. 4. Arms should be reduced "to lowest point consisntent with domestic safety. -
Allies reject Wilson's plan
Wilson showed his his aspects of the Peace Treaty whwich failed on his behave to grasp the anger of the other leaders. -
The banning of alcohol or alcoholic beverages. In 1874 the WCTU was the lead of the prohibition. The main goal was to great alcohol out of every business owners store and home. They wanted to have people live normal lives. -
The Acquires For Alaska
The United States wanted to buy this land from the Russians to make it theirs. They would have paid the Russians 7.2 million dollars for the Alaska land. In 1959 Alaska became a state.