Final Project

  • Textile Industry

    Textile Industry
    The textile industry is when factory workers we're brought to make clothing, and other types of things. Textile Industry brought many new inventions like steam engine, spin jenny, and cotton gin.
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    Manifest Destiny

    It was when America expanded into what it is today. Things we're bought to expend railroads so we can get to the west easier. Portions of things bought were like the Louisiana purchase.
  • Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin
    The cotton gin was a machinery that helped workers separate seeds from cotton. This was a huge deal because workers lost their jobs.
  • The American Dream

    The American Dream
    The American dream was when people can work to become something bigger or rich. It happened during the guilded age because people saw other people getting rich.
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    The Industrial Revolution

    The industrial revolution is when machinery started to expand in the 1800s. These machinery brought railroads, cars, and jobs for everyone.
  • Transcendentalism

    Transcendentalism was when people had an american dream and they thought they can do anything. Transcendentalism was when someone would go an explore nature without anyone. It was where someone can live in nature.
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    The Gilded Age

    This was a time when our population and our economy rose because of the events that we were having. Things like the american dream, and industrial revolution.
  • Sally Ride

    Sally Ride
    Sally ride was the first women to go into space and it inspired women that they could do more.
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    Rosie the riveter

    This was a big step for women to say that they can achieve more than. Rosie inspired women in the US that they can actually do it and be put to work.
  • 19th Amendment

    19th Amendment
    The amendment that finally allowed women to vote.
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    Medgar Evers

    Medgar Evers was an American civil rights activist. He was fighting for voting rights, economic opportunity, and access facilities. He then was assasignated for fighting for those rights.
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    The Great Depression

    This was a time when our economy shot to the ground. People were out of work and lots of people were poor.
  • John D. Rockefeller

    John D. Rockefeller
    Rockefeller was the first rich person and inspired people that you can become with nothing to something. He came up with the idea that you can make oil into gas.
  • Andrew Carnegie

    Andrew Carnegie
    Andrew Carnegie is someone who was rich during the gilded age. He came up with the idea to reproduce mass steel.
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    Women were put to work

    This was a time when women were really put to work and they could take over either their husbands job or do something else other than sitting at home. During the WWII was a big push for women to work.

    The all American girls pro baseball league was a time when girls could be a professional baseball player. It was mainly to distract people because all the men were in the war but it showed that girls could play baseball.
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    The Montgomery Bus Boycott

    A time when African Americans boycotted buses because of women getting arrested sitting on the front of the bus.
  • The Space Age

    The Space Age
    The space age was the time when technology flew due because of the cold war. The Russians technology were getting better so we had to get better as a country. This age was when we came up with new inventions like the radio, cars, TV, etc.
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    Sit Ins

    African Americans would go to stores or restaurants and asked to be served. They sat there until they were either served or got arrested so people can notice the problem with segragation.
  • The Freedom Riders

    The Freedom Riders
    A movement group that was targeted and bombed on the bus. Which got Martin Luther King Jr involved.
  • James Meredith

    James Meredith
    He was the first African-American to attend a university. He was a writer, civil rights movement figure, and a political adviser.
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    Birmingham March & March on Washington

    A time when teenagers protested and so many people got arrested because they wouldn't let African Americans work. Jails we're filled up so they couldn't put anyone in jail so they let them go. Then Kennedy wanted to pass the Bill of rights so people marched on Washington
  • John F. Kennedy

    John F. Kennedy
    John F. Kennedy was the president of the United States and Jackie was the first lady. John F. Kennedy wanted to end communism and was the first president to right the civil rights laws to desegregate our country. He was then assassinated for trying to desegregate African Americans and whites.
  • Mississippi and Freedom Summer

    Mississippi and Freedom Summer
    When African Americans were taught to peacefully protest.
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    Jim Crow Laws

    Jim Crow laws were put in place to segregate African Americans from whites. Jim Crow laws were strictly enforced.