Final Project

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    Prenatal Development and Birth

    In utero my mother had gestational diabetes which caused me to stay in the hospital a few days after my birth. When born i weighed 8 pounds, 1 oz, and was 21 inches long.
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    My life span

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    First Two Years

    Biosocial: In the first two years, I was only breastfead I was unwilling to take a bottle. I was potty trained a little before my second birthday and began walking a while before being potty trained.
    Cognitive: In the first two years i used a pacifier, learned to use a spoon, began babbling untill my first word of baby.
    Psychosocial: In the first two years, I was enrolled in a center day care.
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    The Play Years

    Biosocial: When I was 3 I began Dancing which I continued doing for the next 16 years.
    Cognitive: When I was 3 years old I began attending a private preschool.
    Psycosocial: Between the ages of 2 and 4 I loved to watch Barney and had more babydolls then anyone else I knew.
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    The School Years

    Biosocial: When I was 8 years old I began competitively dancing.
    Cognitive: During the school years I learned to read and write properly.
    Psychosocial: In elemantary school I was involved both in choir and girl scouts.
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    Biosocial: I entered puberty in the beginning of adolescence resulting in much growth but I still remained to be one of the shortest in my class. Cognitive: I have successfully graduated high school, and have taught dance to younger children for 3 years. Psychosocial: In adolescence I entered my first roma
    ntic relationship, and also through joining C.A.P.A in high school I found a group of friends that I fit perfectly with.
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    Emerging Adulthood

    Biosocial: I took a major risk for the first time last year, when I went sky diving for the first time.
    Cognitive: I was accepted into college and I hope to graduate college by 2015.
    Psychosocial: I hope to reach identity through my many life experances both past and in the future, I also hope to reach intimacy and meet my feuture husband while still in this stage. In the short time that I have been in this stage I strongly believe I have found my group of friends that I will carry through life
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    Biosocial: By this time I hope to have children. Go through menopause and still be as healthy as I currently am.
    Cognitive: In adulthood I hope to have good analytic, creative, and practical intelligence. I also hope to maintain my feuture job as long as possible.
    Psychosocial: I hope to still have the great group of friends that I have today, be close with both my family and my sister's future family. I also hope to be married by this time in my life.
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    Late Adulthood

    Biosocial: I hope to be independent and doing most everything on my own still, seeking little help from others. I hope to be healthy both physically and mentally, while getting enough exercise daily.
    Cognitive: I hope to have a very sharp memory both short and long term. Also to avoid alzheimers, and strokes which can be detremental to mental health.
    Psychosocial: I hope to reach integrity not despair, I want to be able financially stable enough to retire at a reasonable age.
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    Death & Dying

    Cognitive: In the days before my death I hope to become accepting of death, and not fearful at all.
    Psychosocial: I hope to have a family that will willingly take care of me in my final stage of life. I want to be in hospice care while living at home.
    Biosocial: I hope my death is not slow or painful, I hope that my pain is controlled with medication and my whole family is at my side at the end of my life.